Signatory to SoO Lallumba cadres attack IRB barrack at Khabeisoi
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, December 30 2011:
Cadres of KCP-MC (Lallumba group) which is under Suspension of Operation pact with both the Centre and State Government attacked a barrack of 8th IRB (Commando) at Khabeisoi last night by raining a volley of stones.
Cadres of KCP-MC (Lallumba group) were housed inside the Khabeisoi IRB complex.
Some IRB personnel were warming themselves around a fire at about 8 pm yesterday in front of barrack number 1 when two persons in inebriated condition came towards them shouting, conveyed a source.
When the IRB personnel asked about their identities, the two persons shouted back using expletives.
At this, the IRB personnel ran after and nabbed one of the drunk persons while the other managed to flee .
The drunk person was identified as a cadre of KCP-MC (Lallumba group).
One senior leader of the group scolded the drunk cadre and advised him not to repeat such misbehaviour.
After this, the drunk cadre was let off.
At about midnight, a volley of stones rained on barrack number 1 all of a sudden.
Two rounds of shots were also fired towards the barrack.
The IRB personnel, having received no orders from senior officers to retaliate, ducked within the barrack and silently endured the assault.
Some window panes of the barrack were damaged in the attack.
The Commandant of the IRB battalion investigated the incident this morning together with an officer of Imphal East District Police, added the source.
The SoO pact was signed in August 2008 with a number of armed groups.