COCOMI lines up State wide alert meetings
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 22 2019:
The COCOMI has announced State-wide alert meetings from tomorrow on the political dialogue going on between the Government of India and NSCN-IM.
The COCOMI is a joint body of AMUCO, CCSK, HERICOUN, LIPUL and UCM formed only yesterday in the face of a final pact likely to be signed by the end of October.
Speaking to media persons at Kwakeithel Akham Leikai office of AMUCO this afternoon, COCOMI coordinator Sunil Karam appealed to all youth clubs, Meira Paibis, CSOs, NGOs and people of all walks of life to participate in the alert meetings.
In addition to the alert meetings, other mass movements like torch rallies, mass rallies, human chains etc would be announced from time to time, he said while appealing to one and all to participate in these mass movements too.
As reported in media, a final solution to the 22 years old political dialogue may be signed by October 31 .
COCOMI has no objection to any solution worked out between GoI and NSCN-IM but the solution should not impinge upon the integrity of Manipur and the sanctity of its territorial boundary in any manner.
The same standpoint has been highlighted to the Government of India repeatedly and there is no questioning of ever altering this standpoint, Sunil asserted.
Under COCOMI, alert meetings would be held all across the State so that the people remain alert about any possible impact of the peace talk on Manipur, he said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not fulfilled his assurance to consult stake holders before working out a final solution to the Naga peace talk.
Moreover, his appeal not to trust any statement other than official ones on the political dialogue is becoming irrelevant now, said the coordinator.
Given this situation, there is a nagging fear among the people of Manipur that the Government of India may work out a solution forcibly which has direct bearings on the collective interest of the State, he continued.
"It is our firm resolve that any solution to the Naga peace talk must not affect Manipur in any manner.
Let's keep a strict vigil and see what form and shape the final solution takes", he said.
He then called upon all the people to fight collectively as a united force like what was seen in June 2001 in case the final solution contains anything which harms the collective interest of Manipur.
COCOMI assistant coordinator Longjam Ratankumar appealed to all the people not to use any offensive word or gesture which may hurt sentiments of any community during the proposed mass movements.
Any offensive word uttered out of anger or grievance can defeat the very purpose of the mass movements, he cautioned.
Jeetendra Ningomba, another COCOMI assistant coordinator revealed slogans which would be used in the proposed mass movements.
The slogans read as "Integrity of Manipur is non-negotiable", "Government of India should not play communal politics", "Manipur MLAs, go to Delhi", "60 MLAs, take your position", "India must not break apart Manipur", and "Bring solution, not dissolution" .