'Don't send persons, send samples instead for test'
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, May 17 2020:
Instead of sending samples, some district authorities have been sending suspected persons to JNIMS for COVID-19 test.
A high ranking official of JNIMS told The Sangai Express that there are high chances of contracting COVID-19 if the suspected persons sent for COVID-19 test are housed in the wards earlier occupied by COVID-19 positive individuals.
Altogether 68 samples including four from Nagaland were tested at JNIMS today and all of them were found negative for COVID-19 .
Out of the 68 samples, 12 were collected at the hospital itself as 12 suspected people came from Tengnoupal in person instead of sending their samples, said the official.
All the 12 persons returned from Chandigarh recently.
Earlier, it was said that four of them were being sent to JNIMS as they showed signs of fever but it turned out that they came with eight other people, said the official.
There are chances of contracting COVID-19 if they are housed in the ward earlier occupied by COVID-19 positive persons.
If they are kept in OPD, it may create even bigger problem in case any of the suspected person happens to be COVID-19 positive, said the official and asserted that it would be much better if samples are collected elsewhere and sent to JNIMS, instead of sending the suspected persons directly.
The official opined that it is much safer to collect samples in the respective districts and send them to either RIMS or JNIMS as is done now.
Even if anyone is found to be positive, he/she would be immediately taken to hospital.
This way chances of COVID-19 transmission can be mitigated considerably.
Samples are collected at JNIMS by doctors wearing PPE from 8 am to 10 am.
Doctors find it very difficult and inconvenient to collect samples for long hours wearing PPE, said the official.
District hospitals too should collect and send samples if there is any suspected case instead of sending the suspected persons directly to JNIMS or RIMS, added the official.