70th Naga Independence Day NSCN (IM) calls for integration of Naga inhabited areas
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, August 14 2016:
Home Minister (Kilo Kilonser) of the NSCN (IM) Rh Raising has called for the integration of all Naga territories on the 70th Independence Day celebration of the NSCN (IM) today.
Addressing the event as the chief guest, Raising said 'Integration of all Naga territories is a natural necessity, not a choice and added that 'integration of all Naga territories under one political umbrella is the legitimate rights of the Nagas, which no power can stop' .
The Home Minister of the outfit further said that the Nagas have been languishing in the hands of the dominant communities in different administrative units for decades and added, 'we can assuredly say that addressing only the present grievances of the Nagas overlooking the future is no solution because that does not touch the heart of the matter' .
Greeting the leaders of various civil society organisations and Churches, guests and fellow workers, the Home Minister of the NSCN (IM) said 'freedom as the inherent right of an individual and people need to be recognized.
NSCN is undoubtedly for the freedom that chooses future of the Nagas.
'It has chosen the freedom to decide the future of the Nagas by the Naga themselves, not by others,' he added.
Asserting that the Nagas are one, Raising said that some people have been speaking in the colonial divisive language calling the Nagas as Burma Nagas, Indian Nagas, Nagaland Nagas, Manipur Nagas, Assam Nagas, and Arunachal Nagas but added that the 'enemies can divide the Nagas for some time, but they can never divide them forever' .
Elaborating on the universal principle of sovereignty, Raising said that the Government of India has clearly spelled out that sovereignty of the Nagas lies with the Naga people and the sovereignty of India lies with the Indian people and added that for the first time the GoI has recognised the sovereignty of the Nagas.
The Framework Agreement reaffirms the unique history of the Nagas, he said and added that the Framework Agreement is the official agreement signed between GoI and the Nagas represented by the NSCN on the basis of mutual respect and recognition of rights.
'The Nagas are now at the final phase of negotiation ready to enter the last stage of Nation building,' said the Home Minister of the outfit and added 'Nagalim should be built and developed by Naga politics and run by it.
The NSCN is built upon the foundation of Naga National principle, politics, programs and politics' .