Tamu authority insisting closure of Indo-Myanmar border trade even after Jan 5 Yangon meeting
Source: IT News
Imphal, January 08 2021:
Even after understanding was broughtduring the high level meeting between officials of both countries at Yangon on January 5 for resuming of border trade between India and Myanmar through Moreh border, the District Administrator of Tamu in Myanmar is still imposing restrictions of any border trade by closing existing gates at the border.
In this regard an official intimation from the office of the Deputy Commission (General Administrative Department), Tamu Myanmar on December 31 last year was furnished to DC Tengnoupal informing that Indo-Myanmar Gate No.1&2 will be continuously closed until January 31 from their side to control and manage the spread of CORONA virus.
Official letter signed by Kyaw Win Oo, District Administrator Tamu, Myanmar also mentioned that existing border No,1 (Iron Bridge) and gate No.2 will be temporarily closed till January 31 .
It may be mention that with serious pressures from different business establishments and entrepreneurs of both countries who have been directly dealing with cross border trades for reopening of the border trade between the two countries which has been suspended for the last nine months due to global pandemic COVID-19, a high level meeting between the officials concern of Myanmar and delegates of India Border Trade Chamber of Commerce Tamu, Myanmar was held on January at Yangon and formulated plans to regulate the movement of person and goods between the border after a prolonged shut down of border trade between India and Myanmar since March due to COVID-19 pandemic.
On the other hand Border Trade & Chamber of Moreh Town, on December 20 last year had submitted their representations to India Border Trade Chamber of Commerce Tamu, Myanmar for early resumption of trade exchange between the Myanmar and India through Moreh Border town via Namphalong and Tamu at Myanmar.
Official representation of Border Trade & Chamber of Moreh Town categorically on the consent made during the recent meeting with the Chief Minister of the state and their representative to formulate the plans for the resumption of trade exchange between the two countries and also mention that, people of state are all aware that ever since COVID-19 has affected lives of people Internationally and the ensuing lock down that have followed, many have paid the price by being displaced from their jobs, some by salary cuts, some have suffered heavy financial loses and many have lost their lives.
However, people are now taking adequate precautions and following preventive measures to contain the spread.
It is also further mentioned that, still, with the suffering of the people on the increase financially as well as mentally, it becomes the responsibility of the governing agencies to take steps before the situation gets out of control.
The official representation of Border Trade & Chamber of Moreh Town mentioned that, the people of Moreh and Tamu have depended on each other for their daily requirements ever since both countries obtained independence and ever before that and they have maintained their trust up till date.
To prolong the sealing of the border can have a negative affect on the relationships between the two neighbouring towns.
Further continuing closure of border trade through Moreh border town from the Myanmar side have serious concern by the business communities operating at both countries and over and above the report on resuming of similar border trade at border towns of Zokhawthar and Rihkhawdar at Mizoram border have major concern by the business communities who have been operating at Indo-Myanmar border through Moreh border town, an official added.