JAC will launch agitation shortly
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, September 27 2011:
The Joint Administrative Council (JAC) of All Manipur Trade Unions Council (AMTUC) and All Manipur Government Employees Organisation (AMGEO) expressed its anguish over the delaying tactics played by the Congress led SPF Government.
Time and again the State Government compelled the JAC to suspend agitations by promising to do justice to the employees of the State Government.
A press release of the JAC issued today stated that only five per cent of the commitments were translated into actions by the State Government.
The ten year tenure of the Congress led SPF Government is a tale of a government which does not keep its promises the release alleged .The Government has no stand of its own adds the press release.
To discuss future course of action the JAC , the Manipur Secretariat Service Association, Council of Teachers Education, Manipur Pensioners' Union will hold a joint general body meeting on September 29 at 11 am at the Kuki Inn, Imphal.
The JAC urged all the State Government employees, workers, teachers and pensioners to attend the meeting.
Till today the State Government is yet to implement the 6th Pay in toto and the 45 months areas also held up till date by the Government the JAC Press release also mentioned.
The Pay Implementation Cell (PIC) to look after the pay anomalies is also not working sincerely for more than a year.
Before the implementation of the 5th pay scale the PIC entitled more than the Central pay scale to few close associates and on the other hand they entitled below the Central pay to those who are not close to them, the JAC press release also charged.
The promise of regularization to the muster roll, adhoc, casual and work-charge employees also not translated into action by the State Government.
The minimum wages to the workers of the state were also not paid on par with the central workers.
The State Government also failed to issue the order of SGP Scheme of the 6th Pay and held up the children education allowances.
The die-in-hardness scheme is yet to implemented, the Service Rule for Home Guards is yet to be enacted and also the their salary is also very low the JAC release also mentioned.
The JAC urged to all the employees and work to unite to get the common goal.