Sainik School rebuts report on school issue
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, July 27 2011:
Reacting on news reports published on July 26 issues of local dailies in the state, authority of Sainik School Imphal in a statement today refuted the report saying that some disgruntled elements have distorted facts and incidents to tarnish the image of the school and its Principal.
To ensure meticulous discipline without corporal punishment, the school authorities had implemented a 'Code of Conduct Card' for each cadet with effect from this academic session.
A copy of the same was also given to all parents and no parent lodged any complaint/disagreement over it.
Over a period of last three months some cadets were found committing indiscipline activities repeatedly.
These cadets then organised class IX and some class X cadets to demonstrate on July 24 for withdrawal of the 'Code of Conduct Card'.
Following their demands school authorities suspended the 'Conduct Code' at the request of the parents and the agitating cadets resumed normal school training.
However, when the Principal explained the implications of such a move, the parents requested for re-implementation of the Conduct of Code to which the Principal refused but agreed to discuss it on 31 July 2011 in the Parent � School staff meeting, the statement said.
The allegations against the school authority and the Principal are all baseless.
It was alleged that the incident flared up when son of the Principal bossed around in the cadets' mess.
However the Principal's son has never visited cadets' mess or dormitories till date, the statement added.
Cadets of the entire school were not involved but only cadets of class IX and a few of class X were involved in the demonstration.
It was also incorrect that the Principal caned three cadets whereas the Principal has never picked up a cane to give corporal punishment.
Since his arrival corporal punishment, ragging and beatings have been banned in the school.
The Principal has also never used abusive language.
Senior cadets of Class xi & xii tried their level best to dissuade their younger brothers from agitating which is contrary to the report that claimed senior cadets also joined the demonstration.
Moreover the police was stationed permanently in the school for security and not for cadets.
The allegation of the Principal ill treating students on July 14 was also incorrect.
The Principal only demonstrated the difference between 'Bullying' and 'Having Fun' in five different class rooms in order to root out the unattended psychological disease in academic institutions.
It also claimed that the Principal belongs to Kashmir thus "Kashmiriyat Values" of brotherhood, discipline, punctuality, respect for elder and women, compassion, refrain from intoxicants, respect to authorities, adherence to institutional rules and regulation, fear of God would not be violated.