Mid-day scheme rice handed over
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, May 13 2016 :
Information Centre for Hill Areas of Manipur
(ICHAM) president N Rajendro has said that many schools lo-
cated at the interior areas are unable to get rice for mid-day meal
scheme due to the faulty policy of the Government.
He was speaking at a simple function held at Molnoi
village in Chandel district.
Chandel ZEO L Priyokumar, Chandel Mid-day Meal in-
charge LR Koireng, Molnoi chief Chongthang, Tengnoupal
Block ADC member, Headmasters and ICHAM executives
were also present at the function.
Rice for mid-day meal scheme were handed over to the
authorities of 15 Government schools located at interior areas
at the function.
Saying that roads leading to these schools are deplorable,
Rajendro said that the Government must revamp these roads
at the earliest.
He alleged that 70 per cent of the Government
teachers are not dedicated to their duties.
Many of them are
running after contract works, he said.
On the other hand, many trained teachers are drawing
salary without taking classes as their schools do not have
students, Rajendro said.
He also drew the Government's at-
tention to the fact that many teachers hire private teachers and
send them to the schools in their place.
Rajendro further said that the State cannot see progress
without developing the interior areas.
Molnoi chief Chongthang said that Government schools
have less students as the Government fails to provide text
books, uniform, teachers and infrastructure.
On the other hand, no teacher want to come to interior areas
due to bad roads and absence of quarters, he said.
Chandel ZEO Priyokumar said that the Government is
planning to construct kitchen sheds for 148 schools of Chandel