ZB Tamei Zone elects office bearers for 2013-16
Source: Hueiyen News Service / Daniel Kamei
Tamenglong, November 10 2013:
The election of Zeliangrong Baudi, Tamei zone for the term 2013-2016 was at Tamei HQs yesterday.
Disclosing this to Hueiyen Lanpao, Poudinlung Riamei, General Secretary of Zeliangrong Baudi Manipur said that the election unanimously elected Th.Keirithon as Chairman, Ch.
Champhakbou and P.Hilubou as Vice Chairmen, Ch.
Kadingambou as Secretary, P.Lungbambou and Z.Mangailakbou as Joint Secretaries, N.Kawilebo alias Ale as Finance Secretary and Z.Zaiwibou as Arts and Culture Secretary.
He said the remaining vacant posts including Info & Publicity Secretary and Women Co-ordinator will be elected/ nominated in an appropriate time in near future.
The oath of office and secrecy to the newly elected executive members for the term 2013 to 2016 was administered by Disuang Pamei, Vice President of Zeliangrong Baudi of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland.
The election was conducted in the presence of various social workers, church leaders, village authority chairmen/ secretaries of the surrounding villages, Zeliangrong Baudi (AMN), Zeliangrong Pui Baudi, Zeliangrong Youth Front, Zeliangrong People Coordination Committee and citizens of Zeliangrong community to strengthen the apex Zeliangrong organisation in the larger interest of the Naga people.