Advocates to stay away from work
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, November 02 2011:
High Court Bar Association, Manipur (HCBAM) has decided not to attend Gauhati High Court, Imphal Bench with effect from November 22 till the matter is reviewed on November 8 in view of non-availability of petrol.
A resolution to this effect was arrived at a meeting of the Association today.
The meeting minutely deliberated over the issue of non-availability of petroleum products and the consequent inability of the advocates to attend the court works.
The meeting resolved that fresh representation be made to the authorities concerned for making available 1000 litres of petrol per week to the Association till the stock position of petroleum products in Manipur improves.
Furthermore, the meeting resolved that the Secretary of the Association shall make a representation to Union Home Minister P Chidambaram for issuing appropriate direction to the government of Manipur for making available petroleum products and all essential commodities to the general public of Manipur and for checking black marketing, adulteration, etc.