Our peoples' destiny lies in our unity: UNLF-II
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, November 24 2018:
Accusing the Government of India of trying every effort to convert Manipur University as the epicenter of Indianization and hub of Hindutva by scrupulous planning since the last few years, the UNLF Central Committee asserted that AP Pandey, an RSS agent and a good proponent ofHindutva as well was put in charge as Vice Chancellor of Manipur University to materialize the agenda of 'saffronising MU'.
Since his take over as VC, instead of making efforts to improve the academic quality and atmosphere of the University, his priority was "saffronising" MU with his favorite cronies; converted some of them as "RSS Pracharak" and lakhs of rupee were syphoned off funding the ABVP-Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (BJP student wing) from the University funds.
Many programs and functions underlying the RSS-BJP ideology were organized; including seminars and symposiums on the birthday anniversary of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay, an RSS ideologue and co-founder of BJS (Bharatiya Jana Sangh) to convert Manipur University as a dirty platform of Indian politics, it said.
Apart from this, he converted MU into a den of corruption and nepotism and embezzlement of crores of rupee for personal coffer were his handiworks and the ultimate result is the immediate academic bankruptcy and decadence of the university since he took charge, the outfit continued.
The policy and effort to control and takeover of this highest centre of academic activities is the hidden agenda of taking complete control of the main nerve-centre, the brains of 'our peoples' and hence to achieve complete domination over Manipuri nation.
In short, it is like "entrusting the fox to guard the chicken coop", the Central Committee remarked.
The conspiracy to destroy the most cherished human resource pool was a shock to all patriotic peoples and no one could remain a silent spectator.
Hence, the four month long movement to safeguard the University which is the highest temple of learning from obliteration, from the demonic hand of VC Pandey, by all the patriotic student communities, Professors, and staffs together was a compulsory and bounden duty to save the future generation.
It continued, "Our patriotic intellectuals and academicians are taking not only the important task of developing our human resource, that is the future of our society, but also taking big roles in formulating correct political and ideological line of our revolutionary struggle".
The recent movement of MU Community to remove VC Pandey was not just another agitation.
It was a mature, unified and well co-ordinated movement of intellectuals, academicians, students, civil society bodies and Meira Paibis which carries a strong revolutionary message, it remarked.
It also conveyed gratitude to all the Professors, academics, administrative staff and student bodies who actively supported and took part in the movement to save the future of students.
The recent Manipur University crisis over the ouster of its VC is that it exposed the sectarian attitude of Govt of India and its puppet Manipur Govt as their repressive actions speak, volumes of how Manipuris are kept suppressed for these long years, it alleged.
During the long 4 months shut down of the campus, the Gol and its concerned ministry showing their indifference, didn't take any meaningful steps to solve the problem; even though the academic career of the tens of thousands of Manipuri students were going to be ruined.
When the agitation escalated to a mass movement as the whole of the Manipuri people joined in to save the careers of the students; then to save the skin of their protege VC Pandey, the Gol's concerned Ministry started issuing contradictory orders, making the problem more complicated.
And the alleged puppet Manipur Govt, letting loose its' police commandos cracked down upon the agitating students, beating them black and blue.
One of the student leaders was pushed under a running truck thereby his arm was crushed and maimed for life.
This inhumane repressive action of the State Govt will be an unforgettable incident in the history of Manipur.
The most astonishing part is that, though the Manipur Govt initially shirked off any responsibility saying that MU being a central university is not under its' purview; but latter it let loose a reign of terror with heavy militarization in the campus saying that Delhi ordered to take harsh actions on the agitating MU community.
The midnight police raid inside University hostels, beating and pulling out students from their rooms and putting them behind jails along with a number of Professors and administrative staffs who took leading roles in the agitation and keeping the campus under seize for days by heavy militarization; all these actions will remain as stark symbols of Indian atrocities upon the University students and professors, in the annals of Manipur University, it continued.
All these actions show that the State Govt neither has any respect of law, nor any respect for teaching communities; but is also vindictive and callous, asserted the Central Committee.