Bandh cut short
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, August 20 2015 :
Khwairamband street vendors have shortened the duration of Khwairamband market bandh to 48 hours from 72 hours after JCILPS and State Government struck an agreement on Thursday.
As such the total shutdown of the markets which was to conclude on August 21 midnight ended today midnight.
On the clarification call made by Nupi Keithel Sinpham and Saktam Kanba Lup Secretary Thingujam Rani yesterday, street vendor representatives said that the decision to clamp 72-hour shutdown of Khwairamband market was not a decision of a certain group of vendors.
The decision was taken at a meeting attended by women leaders of four Khwairamband women markets, street vendors and ILP protesters on August 18 .
The resolution drawn from the meeting was also notified to other vendors through leaflets circulated the same day, the representatives said.
A joint statement issued by street vendors and Khwairamband market vendors further said that they would continue to stage protests until ILPS is implemented in the State.