Ukhrul ADC Members censure MLAs
Source: The Sangai Express / Mungchan Zimik
Imphal, May 13 2016 :
Members of Ukhrul district ADC expressed their dismay against the incumbent local MLAs for alleged
manipulation of power and pilfering the district developmental
Ukhrul ADC Chairman Dr Yaronsho speaking to media
persons today at his office questioned the local MLAs espe-
cially the two Congress MLAs �Victor Keishing and MK
Preshaw about their the credibility in executing development
work for the people of the district.
He said that the two MLAs have violated guidelines of
Social Welfare Dept.
The MLAs unilaterally constituted the
construction committee for Anganwadi centre neglecting the
respective DCC Members.
The two MLAs further suspended
the Appointment order of FPS agents under CAF&PD issued
by the Deputy Commissioner, Ukhrul for six subdivisions, ie,
Ukhrul, Chingai, Jessami, Kamjong, Kasom Khullen and
He demanded that the State Govt acknowledges the
existence of ADC and power be devolved to them.