Kwatha villagers stop border fencing work near BP 81
Source: The Sangai Express
Moreh, November 12 2021:
Notwithstanding the demand of UCM and various other CSOs to put on hold the border fencing work being undertaken by BRTF in Moreh, BRTF continues to take up the fencing work.
The CSOs including UCM after an inspection visit to the contentious sites in Kwatha Khuflou area on August 27 had appealed for the fencing work to be put on hold.
However, on receiving reports that the BRTF was continuing the fencing work, a media team visited the sites in question today.
The team found that fencing work near BP 81 was going on in full swing.
The team also found that the site of BP 81 was being levelled for fencing.
Nonetheless, people of Kwatha village have stopped the BRTF from continuing their work for now.