NSCN-IM lashes out at KNO
Source: Hueiyen News Service / Newmai News Network
Dimapur, December 02 2012:
"The Kuki National Organization(KNO)'s outlandish campaign against National Socialist Council of Nagalim(NSCN) leaves nothing to doubt that it is working overtime to please certain forces to counterweight the Nagas' historical and political standing that has already gained national recognition as well as international acknowledgement", said the NSCN-IM on Sunday.
The Naga outfit then said nevertheless, the KNO is not hiding its panic reaction by adopting all conceivable means like bogus sketched map and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which is simply abominable as it is nothing more than antithesis of historical fact.
Therefore, what is emanating from KNO against the NSCN-IM is a blatant lie and bizarre campaign.
And for the sake of telling the truth to the public the historical truth (fact) has to be touched no matter how unpalatable it may appear to the Kukis.
And just one factual incident would be enough to testify the factual historical identity and status of the Kukis, the Naga outfit stated.
"As testified by the historical records when Mr.R,Suisa was elected MP(Member of Parliament) to represents the hill areas of Manipur the first thing that caught his attention was to get help from the GoI for the Kukis refugees who were living a nomadic existence.
Suisa took up the case and was successful in getting Gratuitous Relief Fund for the Kukis by virtue of being recognised as bona fide refugees.
Thus, the Government of India viz Memo No.P3/9/66 got the sanction order viz Memo No.305/g/242/UK/3845 and distributed the relief money to the Kukis on 22nd April, 1957.The meaning is crystal clear where the Kukis stands as per history.
And debauched propaganda practices as resorted by KNO will take the Kukis nowhere," the NSCN-IM pointed out.
The NSCN-IM then stated that no matter how the KNO desperately tried to project the Kukis with unfounded and baseless historical references the impropriety of playing with history will never stand the test of time.
And KNO's propaganda against the Nagas' historical truth is not only idiosyncratic but foolhardy as deceitfulness never last a day to win peoples' war against falsehood, it added.
It may be mentioned that when the Suspension of Operation was signed in 2008 between the various Kuki underground organizations and the Governments of India and Manipur Government many Kuki organizations were reluctant to extent statutory recognition to KNO for its brand of politics that is antagonistic to the mutual interests of the Kukis and the Nagas as well, the Naga outfit alleged.
"The damning statement of KNO is therefore, a reflection of the whole spectrum of campaign to put a road block against the Indo-Naga political settlement.
But NSCN will never stoop that low to indulge in any practices that is not only unethical but against ground reality.
And it would be advisable for the KNO to stay distant from speaking the language of master when the Kukis were once enjoying the benefit of refugee status in the hands of government of India.
Shameless campaign be abhorred, lest, the world mocked at you KNO and victimizing the rest of the Kukis that you professed to represents but never lead," the NSCN-IM advised.