NNC: Any solution bypassing will of people is unacceptable
Source: The Sangai Express / Morung Express
Kohima, September 14 2015:
The Federal Government of Nagaland (NNC/FGN) with S.Singnya as Kedahge has asser-ted on Sunday that the talks between the Government of India (GoI) and NSCN (IM) is not between the Nagas and GoI.
A press note from KL Kronu, Kilonser of NNC/FGN's Ministry of Rali Wali Affairs, gave a number of reasons why any agreement arrived between only the two parties would be "invalid" .
The note stated that unlike the NNC, "there was no point of time where the Naga people have given their mandate" to the NSCN (IM) to negotiate the Naga issue with the GoI or any other party.
"Consultative Meetings do not count as mandate," the Kilonser maintained.
According to Kronu, an agreement has currently been forged "without the prior consent of the people." Since the Naga people have "originally" given their mandate to National Workers to fight for the "recognition of Naga's independence and sovereignty," Kronu said that anything short of this cannot be considered as the final solution.
"However, if there are obstructions, real or perceived, then the people should be consulted before making any decision or agreement," he maintained.
Further, "There seems to be a mismatch between the aspiration of the Naga people and the supposed content�the Accord seems to serve the interests of NSCN (IM) and the GOI more than the interest of the Naga people" .
According to the Kilonser, the "kind of responses" by the people after the signing of the 'Peace Accord' gives a "clear indication" that NSCN (IM) "does not enjoy the full confidence of the people." "Every responsible organisation has been pressing for the inclusion of all NPGs in the ongoing Indo-Naga talks.
If there is one single reason for welcoming the Accord, it is due to the fact that the GOI seemed to have taken some concrete step towards addressing the Indo-Naga conflict with a changed perspective and strategy" .
Thus, the FGN/NNC stressed that any solution that "bypasses the general will of the people is dishonourable and unacceptable." KL Kronu noted that NSCN (IM) is just one of the groups.
Stating that they "do not represent" any other NPGs apart from themselves, he maintained that "No agreement between any single group and the GOI can be treated as Indo-Naga Agreement" .
"If any agreement is happening between any single group and the GOI, like surrendering in exchange of some governmental benefits, Nagas have nothing much to say unless it concerns the rights and future of the Naga people.
However Nagas have everything to say if such agreement is interpreted as an agreement between the Naga people and the GOI.
No agreement between the GOI and the NSCN (IM) should infringe the rights and the interest of the Naga People about which the NNC/FGN are still willing to press on," stated the Kilonser for Ministry of Rali Wali Affairs.
Reiterating their full commitment to the 'Naga cause,' the NNC/FGN stated that "We can speak for ourselves and we are very clear as to who and what to represent." To that end, the NNC/FGN stated that they do not recognize anybody speaking for us or for the Nagas.
However, they group is not opposed to any talks in a democratic country and "We are open to dialogue, but that does not mean we are to accept anything and everything that has been imposed on us or the Nagas" .