Supply of Indane LPG cylinders
Source: The Sangai Express
Guwahati, October 13 2012:
IndianOil's Indane LPG customers are hereby advised that the availability of both domestic subsidized and domestic non-subsidized LPG refill cylinders is fast improving and these will be available upon booking by LPG customers in the state of Assam, Arunachal, Tripura, Mizoram and Meghalaya shortly.
For Nagaland and Manipur, cylinders are available promptly upon booking.
As per the recent scheme announced by Govt.of India, domestic customers of LPG are eligible for three (3) subsidized domestic cylinders between 14th September 2012 and 31st March 2013 .
There is however no restrictions in the number of domestic non-subsidized cylinders that domestic customers can avail beyond the three subsidized LPG refills to meet their genuine demand for household cooking.
Also effective 1st April 2013, domestic LPG customers can avail six domestic subsidized LPG refills per financial year.
Again there will also be no restrictions on the number of domestic non-subsidized cylinders that customers can avail, beyond the six subsidized cylinders to meet their genuine demand for household cooking.
Indane customers are however requested to stick to the existing system of LPG refill bookings so that refills are supplied only to genuine Indane LPG users.
Indane customers are also requested to ensure that entries of refill supplies are properly made by the delivery boys in the Domestic Gas Consumer Card (Blue Book) issued by their distributors, so as to ensure that refill supplies and the price are properly recorded.
Customers, who do not have the Blue Book, can however contact their Indane distributor to avail one.
IndianOil is also currently undertaking an ambitious Know Your Customer(KYC) exercise, and Indane customers are requested to cooperate in completing this exercise early, which will ensure further streamlining of LPG distribution.
IndianOil's Indane distributors are also under instructions to accept booking requests for new domestic LPG connections from prospective customers, who will be provided with a system generated registration number at the time of booking.
On intimation by their respective distributors, customers can avail their new LPG connections after completing the required formalities, and once the on-going process of de-duplication undertaken by the oil industry is completed.
In addition to free availability of domestic subsidized and domestic non-subsidized LPG cylinders, both non-domestic exempt(Hostels, Hospitals, Army etc.) and non-domestic non-essential LPG cylinders(Commercial use) will also be sufficiently available in the market, to meet requirements during the ensuing festive season.
Aloke Kumar Singh
Corporate Communications Manager, ER, IOC (MD) .