TBCA women celebrate triennial gathering to revitalize Christian fellowship
Source: The Sangai Express / Mungchan Zimik
Ukhrul, October 04 2019:
Tangkhul Baptist Churches Association (TBCA) Women Union, Ukhrul celebrated the 6th edition of triennial gathering to revitalize the women fellowship by sharing their feelings through one common platform.
Triennial gathering was held after an interval of three years at different Churches of Tangkhul villages in order to understand the condition of women in the region and to further strengthen the faith and inter-relationship of Tangkhul women association.
The six days triennial gathering began yesterday at Ringui Baptist Church.
On the occasion, TBCA finance secretary Rev Ayo inaugurated a conference hall in the presence of Tangkhul religious leaders.
The six days programme mainly focusses on empowering women through different approaches like training and workshop programme on topics like "Women Education, Livelihood, Health care" in raising their families in line with the gospel and teaching of Jesus Christ.
Resource persons Sanyaola Raman and Ringyuichon Vashum dwelt on roles and responsibilities of a good mother in nation building, livelihood and various challenges.
In a meeting held in connection with the event, it was announced that the next TBCA triennial conference will be hosted by Phungcham Baptist Women Society in 2022.According to a report, more than 2400 women delegates from 73 Churches of Tangkhul villages attended the triennial conference at Ringui Village, Ukhrul today.