IM not happy with new interlocutor
Source: The Sangai Express / Newmai News Network
Dimapur, September 03 2014:
The NSCN-IM is not happy that chairman of Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) RN Ravi has been appointed as the new interlocutor for Naga talks.
In a press communique today, the Ministry of Information and Publicity (MIP), NSCN-IM, said "The reportage that has emerged with the appointment of R.N.Ravi, as the Government of India's interlocutor of the Indo-Naga peace talks who is well known for his antagonistic approach to the Naga issue and obnoxious writings have come as a total surprise to the NSCN/GPRN.
His opinionated writings have been condemned in the strongest term by the NSCN/GPRN and his appointment as the GoI Interlocutor has raised doubts in the minds of the Nagas, the real intent of the Government of India" .
According to the NSCN-IM, in the political negotiation that has lasted for 17 years and more than 80 rounds of talks, the NSCN-IM and its talk team led by its chief negotiator, Th.Muivah, they have not met any person by the name of Shri R.N.Ravi.
The NSCN-IM said it is therefore flabbergasted as to which Naga has given a commitment to R.N.Ravi that the solution of the Indo-Naga issue will be within the framework of the Constitution of India as reported in the media.
"As maintained in the same reportage he seems to have been given the unguided and unguarded mandate or the, 'the liberty to change the format of the talks, making negotiation time-bound and expeditious' for the Indo-Naga talks.
If these media reportage is considered to be factual, the appointment of Shri RN.
Ravi , a person who is not guided by conscience and who also has no respect or insight of the Naga history as observed from his write-ups, then the NSCN/GPRN is seriously doubtful of the sincerity of the Government of India in appointing him as their interlocutor for the Indo-Naga peace talks," it added.
The NSCN-IM statement then said that the Nagas have come to the negotiating table after decades of fighting with the armed forces of India when the latter agreed and acknowledged that the Indo-Naga issue was not the internal "law and order issue" of India and agreed to have peace negotiation at the Prime Minister's level and without any pre-conditions.
The BJP government led by Atal Behari Vajpayee exercised prudence and good judgment in recognizing the 'unique history and situation of the Nagas' in order to settle a permanent political solution based on that recognition.
The peace-negotiation had moved forward in a positive manner and as quoted above, in spite of the difficulties involved efforts were on by both the negotiating parties to narrow down the differences in order to conclude a 'mutually acceptable solution'., the statement added.
"It is therefore extremely important and crucial that the Indo-Naga peace talks proceed in a positive manner in order to conclude a peaceful negotiated political settlement and also in such efforts to involve broadminded and forward-thinking people who have the sincere and committed interest for India and peace," the NSCN-IM asserted.
The Naga outfit then said that ot will do well to remember that the Government of India's 60 years of military solution to the Indo-Naga issue has not solved the issue.
Turning the wheels of history back by 'pre-conditions' and "strong armed methods" may have serious consequences for the Indo-Naga peace talks.
"And therefore, while welcoming the new government in New Delhi we hope that political wisdom will prevail upon its leadership considering the critical and significant need to end the more than 6 decades of conflict between India and the Nagas," it stated.
"This is the time for both the parties to prove themselves," the NSCN-IM said.
Recalling the sequent of events, the NSCN-IM said that more than 80 rounds of political negotiation have transpired since the declaration of cease-fire between the Government of India and the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN) in 1997 and in one the latest formal talks held on July 18, 2011 in New Delhi, the joint statement have clearly indicated the progress that has been made.
The press note of the NSCN-IM mentioned the joint statement signed by Mr.RS Pandey, Interlocutor, representative of the Government of India and Th Muivah, General Secretary and chief negotiator of the NSCN-IM states, "Negotiating teams of the Government of India (GoI) and the NSCN met on 18-07-11 at New Delhi.
The Government of India team was led by the Government of India's representative and interlocutor, Mr.RS Pandey and the NSCN team was led by its chief negotiator, General Secretary, Thuingaleng Muivah.