UCM's foundation day
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, July 03 2011:
UCM president Yumnamcha Dilipkumar today called for the various social organisations in the state to unite under a single body without any condition or term.
He was speaking in the 11th foundation Day celebration of the United Committee Manipur (UCM) held at Mini Shankar Hall Lamphel.
Dilipkumar who presided over the function said that nothing will be gained from standing apart from each other and fighting for the same purpose against the propaganda of the Government of India to disintegrate the integrity of the state.
People of the state from various sides are pressing the organisations in the state to unite under a single body for a united goal.
In such a situation, all organisations in the state should unite.
Sapamcha Jadumani, president FREINDS, who also attended the function, said that the Government of India is playing many secretive roles to widened the relations between the public by floating many anti social groups under the mask of revolution.
AMWJU president, A Mobi said that people shout for the integrity of the state but are sitting idle when people from Nagaland's side are encroaching the state's lands at Mao, Jessami and other areas.
It is very important on the part of the valley people to stand for the hill people in times of their misery.
He also cautioned the people of the state of the hidden agendas of many political parties who are dreaming of disintegrating the boundary of Manipur.
President, UPF YK Dhiren, President IPSA Ch Shanker, President NIPCO Leivon Khupler Kom, General Secretary AMKIL Y Mema, President Chituwa, P Momon Leima and President Kangleichal Th Ayangleima also attended the function as presidium members.