Handloom as a means of economic growth of the State
Source: The Sangai Express / DIPR
Imphal, June 28 2016:
The Department of Commerce & Industries, Govt of Manipur is to promote the socio-economic conditions of the handloom weavers and to work for the harmonious growth of this sector.
Handloom is the most important and fast growing cottage industry in Manipur.
India's population in 2011 is reported as 1210 million including 2.72 million of Manipur (sharing 0.22% of all India).
The Handloom Census 2009-10 reported that Manipur has 2.04 lakh handloom workers (sharing 5.30% of all India) and 1.90 lakh loom (sharing 8.02% of all India).
Thus, Manipur has the highest concentration of weavers and highest concentration on the possession of loom in the country.
The Sector has implemented various promotional, development and welfare schemes for the better earning and wellbeing of weavers of Manipur.
Over a period of Three Five Years Plan, ie 2002-07, 2007-2012 and 2012-17, the handloom sector has tremendously improved in all fronts.
Among many achievement and improvement, a few exemplary achievements are highlighted in the following manner: Margin Money is a form of financial assistance provided to weavers to avail credit facilities from FI/Banks.
The amount so provided to weavers deposited in the bank account of the agency or SHG.
The rate margin money under Deen Dayal Hathkargha Protsahan Yojana (DDHPY) implemented from 2002 to 2007 was Rs 4000 and Rs 6000 per weaver under Integrated Handloom Development Scheme (IHDS) from 2007 to 2013-14.A total of 18272 were covered with Rs 698.40 lakh in these two schemes with contribution of 10 pc as State share.
In order to facilitate weavers to switch over from low value items to better and high value added products, assistance for skill upgradation was given to 14497 weavers with Rs 471.80 lakh under DDHPY from 2002 to 2007 and IHDS from 2007 to 2014 as 100 pc funding of GOI.
Additional 11550 weavers will be trained by Rs 1262.41 lakh under Integrated Skill Development Scheme (ISDS) within 2017 with 10 pc as State share.
115 Common Facility Centres were constructed to carry out activities like warping, dyeing pre and post-loom operations with an amount of Rs 553.93 lakh under DDHPY from 2002 to 2007 and IHDS from 2007 to 2014 with contribution of 10 pc as State share.
New loom for loomless, accessories for new loom, jacquard and dobby for producing new designs were provided to 28412 weavers for amount of Rs 866.88 lakh under DDHPY from 2002 to 2007 and IHDS from 2007 to 2014 with contribution of 10 pc as State share.
In order to create a better working atmosphere with better light and environment, workshed were constructed for 17042 for amount of Rs 600.67 lakh under Workshed-cum-Housing Scheme from 2003-2006, IHDS from 2007 to 2014 and North Eastern Region Textile Promotion Scheme (NERTPS) in 2014-15 with 10 pc as State share and to enable the weavers to work in a group of 5-6 weavers, a total of 306 group worksheds were constructed and 306 solar light at the cost of Rs 1071 lakh were provided under NERTPS inclusive of 10 pc contribution of State share in 2014-15 .
One-time assistance was provided as a corpus fund to the National Handloom Development Corporation (NHDC) to ensure supply of yarn to 117 Yarn Depots of 117 Handloom Clusters with a Corpus Fund of Rs 274.50 lakh under IHDS from 2007 to 2014 and NERTPS in 2014-15 as 100 pc GOI funding and also to monitor, supervise and producing new and attractive designs, a total of 166 diploma and degree in Handloom Technology, Textile Technology and Fashion Technology and Fashion Designers were employed in 117 Handloom Clusters with 100 pc Central assistance of Rs 1016.40 lakh under IHDS from 2007 to 2014 and NERTPS in 2014-15 .
The Registrar of GI and Trade Marks, Govt of India registered three Manipur Handloom Fabrics, namely, Shaphee Lanphee, Wangkhei Phee and Moirang Phee under Geographical Indication of goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 on March 31, 2014 .
The National Awards to the weavers in recognition of their outstanding contribution, craftsmanship and development of craft.
This recognition encouraged them to continue with the craft in a more enthusiastic and productive manner and ultimately encouraged other emulate them.
There are 7 National awardees, 3 merit awardees and 1 Sant Kabir awardee in Manipur.
The Powerloom and Allied Service Centre at Industrial Estate, Takyelpat was inaugurated by Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh in the presence of Minister (Commerce & Industries) Govindas Konthoujam and Minister (Social Welfare), Manipur AK Mirabai Devi on June 6, 2014.It was set up under 100 pc funding of the Ministry of Textiles, Govt of India at the cost of Rs 94 lakh.