Assam Rifles helps poverty stricken National Wushu gold medallist
Source: The Sangai Express
Kangpokpi, June 20 2019:
Exhibiting that they are not just mere warriors safeguarding the country but a true inspirational and the unsung heroes, the Indian Army reformed a National Wushu Gold medallist, who had embarked into illicit works out of poverty, to become a successful professional Wushu player for the country.
16 years old Kimneihoi @ Kim Tuboi, daughter of a bed ridden poverty stricken Haominlen Tuboi and Hatneilam Tuboi, the sole bread earner of the family from Keithelmanbi Military Colony was among the illicit offenders the Assam Rifles had apprehended recently in Kangpokpi district.
The raid by the Assam Rifles and the apprehension of Kim turned miracle for herself and her poverty stricken family as it revealed her unsung achievement in the State and National stages.
Gogoi, Post Commander 38 Assam Rifles, Khurkhul came to know that Kim is an aspiring sports person who had represented Manipur in National level in Wushu.
Kim participated in the XVIIth State Level Wushu Championship, 2016 organized by Wushu Association of Senapati under the aegis of Wushu Association Manipur at Senapati from 28 - 30 January, 2016 representing SAI RC and secured second position.
Earlier in the year 2015, KIM had represented Manipur in the All India SAI Inter Regional Wushu Tournament 2015-16 organized by Udhav Das Mehta (Bhaiji), Sports Authority of India Central Regional Centre, Bhopal from 3-5 September, 2015 and secured first position in Nandao event in Junior Taolli category.
The poor girl had also achieved several medals and positions in other miscellaneous tournaments but she had to abandon her dream of being a sports person due to poverty.
Learning the achievements of the girl, Capt Gogoi along with the CO of 38 Assam Rifles took the initiative to support Kim in her career and provided her a scholarship to cover her education and stay at SAI.
Accompanied by Capt Hari Krishnan, Post Commander, 38 AR Kangpokpi, Capt Gogoi handed Kim the scholarship in front of all the villagers of Keithelmanbi Military Colony yesterday.