Two banished from Moreh
Source: The Sangai Express
Moreh, April 09 2012:
In accordance to a resolution adopted at a joint meeting of the Meetei Council Moreh, All Community Development Organization Moreh, Kha Nongpok Apunba Nupi Lup Moreh and the Nupi Chaokhat Lamjing Lup Moreh, one Loitongbam Imobi Singh and Haorangbam Triveni Devi have been banished from Moreh.
The four civil organisations accused the duo of being morally corrupt and depraved.
They blamed Imobi for looking down upon women community of Moreh.
In case, the duo return to Moreh, they should bear full responsibility for any untoward incident resulting thereof.
The four civil organisations further accused Imobi of maintaining illicit affairs with married women, sometimes running away with women who were already married and have their own children.
It is also reported that Loitongbam Imobi Singh has been expelled from the Khongnangthaba Memorial Charitable Trust.