Top leaders of MNPF surrender to IM
Source: The Sangai Express / Newmai News Network
Dimapur, September 07 2018:
The NSCN-IM has claimed today that two top functionaries of the Manipur Naga People's Front (MNPF) have defected and "surrendered" to them.
Lovejoy K Zimik, "former defence secretary" of MNPF and Tamrei K Zimik alias L Zimik, "former publicity secretary" of the same outfit have defected and "surrendered" to the NSCN-IM on different occasions, according to the latter outfit.
The NSCN-IM said that Lovejoy K Zimik had left MNPF and "surrendered" to the NSCN-IM on August 8, 2018, while Tamrei K Zimik left his party and "surrendered" to the NSCN-IM on August 18, 2018.The NSCN-IM stated that both the former MNPF functionaries had left their party "on their own volition after realizing their grave mistakes".
According to the NSCN-IM, Lovejoy K Zimik admitted that the "MNPF survives under the mercy of the banned People's Liberation Army (PLA) with its base at Tongren village, Sagaing Region, Myanmar" .
Lovejoy K Zimik further said that the sole purpose of the existence of the MNPF is to disrupt and demean the ongoing Indo-Naga political talk, the NSCN-IM added.
Lovejoy K Zimik further admitted that "all ugly incidents carried out by the MNPF were supervised by the PLA", according to the NSCN-IM.
"He accused the chairman of MNPF, John Francis Kashung of working only for his personal gain in collaboration with the PLA," the NSCN-IM further said, adding, "He apologized to the Nagas for being a mouthpiece of the PLA earlier" .
The NSCN-IM said that, though Lovejoy's misdeeds cannot be undone, "he nevertheless, asks to be given a chance to live a righteous 1ife and repay his debts to the Naga Nation".
Regarding Tamrei K Zimik @ L Zimik, the NSCN-IM said that he had also admitted that the "MNPF has no objective, principles and rules and is merely an agent and a mouthpiece of the Peole's Liberation Army (PLA) and Coordination Committee (CorCom), a conglomerate of some militant outfits with its camp at Tongren village, Sagaing Region, Myanmar and a party too small to be called an organized group" .
According to the NSCN-IM, Tanrei K Zimik "accused the chairman of MNPF, John Francis Kashung of working only for his personal gain" in collaboration with the PLA.
"He claimed that the MNPF is being used by undergrounds and civil society organizations with the blessing of Manipur Government to break the unity of the Nagas and to sabotage the ongoing NSCN-Government of India peace talk," the NSCN-IM said, adding, "He regrettably said that the MNPF has never even said a single word for the good of the Nagas, but always condemns the Nagas civil society organisations, Naga Hoho, tribal hohos, political party NPF and the leadership of the Hon'ble Ato Kilonser, Th Muivah" .
Tamrei had acknowledged that the NSCN (IM) is the "rightful government mandated by the Nagas to fight for the Naga's sovereignty", claimed the outfit and added that Tamrei appealed to all the "Naga brethren not to commit the same mistake he has committed by joining the MNPF and urged the civil societies of Manipur State to boycott the MNPF", according to the NSCN-IM.
"Tamrei seeks forgiveness from the Nagas in general and the NSCN in particular and asked to be given a chance to prove his worth to work for the Naga Nation through the GPRN," the NSCN-IM added.