Young Scientist Award winner : State's young scientist sets her eyes on studying human DNA
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, April 04 2018:
Nilupher who was awarded the Young Scientist Award 2017-18 at the 105th Indian Science Congress held at Manipur University from March 16 to 20 is determined to do exhaustive research work on human DNA.
Notably, Nilupher was the only Manipuri who was conferred the prestigious Young Scientist Award in recognition of her outstanding research works on DNA.
The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) selected Nilupher for the prestigious award in the section of Anthropological and Behavioural Sciences (including Archeology and Psychology and Educational Sciences and Military Sciences) .
After submitting a paper on 'Overweight and waist hip ratio as a risk of UCPI 3826 A/G genotype', Nilupher gave a presentation on the same topic on the second day of the 105th Indian Science Congress.
Governor Dr Najma Heptulla presented 18 Young Scientist Award for equal number of sections on the last day of the 105th Indian Science Congress and Nilupher was one of the recipients.
Expressing her gratification on winning the award, Nilupher said that this particular recognition would be a big moral booster to her journey of scientific research.
Nilupher was born to Md Firoz and Ratipun Qureshi at Minuthong Hafiz Hatta on December 15, 1989 .
She studied from Nursery to Class X at Halley English School, Soibam Leikai Wangkhei Khunou, Imphal East.
After completing Classes XI and XII from TG Hr Sec School, she did her graduation at DM College of Science.
Nilupher obtained Masters' Degree in Anthropology from Manipur University.
She completed MPhil course in Anthropology at Delhi University and she is currently pursuing PhD Degree at the same university on the thesis 'Overall health of Delhi population'.
Nilupher has so far published two research articles in two international journals apart from presenting papers at different National level seminars.
Talking to The Sangai Express at their Hafiz Hatta residence, Nilupher said that she had to struggle a lot in pursuit of education and borrow books from teachers as her parents could not buy her books.
Saying that she depended heavily on libraries, Nilupher nonetheless gave full credit to her teachers for her success in higher education.
Nilupher's father Md Firoz is a casual worker and his income was never enough to meet all the requirements of the family.
As such, she used to work as a private tutor since she was studying in class IX .
Acknowledging her merits and academic brilliance, Halley English School did not charge her any tuition free throughout classes IX and X .
"I felt totally dejected just before the BSc 2nd year exam as there was no money for form submission.
But one uncle Prafullo gave me the much needed money on the last date of form submission and my form was submitted.
Even though my parents are poor, they always support me in my pursuit for higher education", Nilupher said.
Citing the findings of her research works, she said that there is a high prevalence rate of diabetes, stress and hypertension among young Meitei Pangal women and the primary factors are early marriage, poverty and high rate of child birth.
Even though Meitei Pangal women are still backward in the field of education, many of them have started venturing into the professions of medicine and engineering.
But the number of Meitei Pangal women who are doing scientific research works is very little, Nilupher said.
Anthropology is a very interesting subject which deals with human beings from social, physical and biological perspectives.
There are many areas where exhaustive research works can be done with regard to people settled in the North East region.
After completing Post Graduate course, she worked as a teacher at a school located at Kairang for a period of around five months and she got Rs 7000 per month as salary.
It was with this money that Nilupher went to Delhi University.
She said that she would take up teaching profession after completing PhD and continue research works in different areas.