Senior Resident should be a post graduate, DESAM says to RIMS Director
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, July 28 2014 :
The RIMS Director Dr S Sekharjit did not understand and fully study the content of the press statement of the Democratic Students Alliance of Manipur (DESAM) thereby exposing his other wrongful conduct which is termed in Manipur idioms as "Aranba ama lotsinnaba hotnabada asoiba chamma toui" (tangible English meaning: Hundred mistakes have been done in trying to conceal a wrongful conduct) .
The above statement was stated in a press release conveyed by the general secretary, DESAM in connection with the appointment of Senior Resident in Anatomy department of RIMS in the person of Dr Vandana Devi Sinam who happens to be a daughter of the RIMS director.
In this matter, DESAM demanded a probe by CBI or other agency into the recruitment of Dr Vandana as Senior Resident in substitute for Dr Bidyut Kumar Das who had not reported for duty after leave for the last seven years.
The release further clarified that DESAM did not make wrong press statement but it is the RIMS authority which makes fabricated press statement for general public with money of the RIMS.
DESAM further mentioned that the Office Memorandum dated June 5, 1992, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India which stated the qualification for Senior Resident as MBBS is superseded by the resolution of the 39th EC meeting dated April 20, 2009 and added that there is no amendment in this regard.
The release also alleged that RIMS director had made two notifications for filling vacancies in substitute on same date and Ref.
No.In a notification dated January 5, 2013 with Ref.
No.B/561/2005-RIMS, the Sr.
Resident for leave substitute in the department of Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Obstetrics & Gynecology and ENT were advertised and the qualification for the posts was a Post Graduate, it said.
In another notification with same date and Ref.
No., the Sr.
Resident for leave substitute in the department of Cardiothoracic, Anesthesiology, Anatomy and Medicine were advertised and the qualification for the post was MBBS, it said.
Alleging that this manipulation in the recruitment rule would be a ploy to make room for his daughter, it charged and added the qualification for Sr.
Resident should be Post Graduate not the MBBS, it maintained.
It also further said that RIMS director Dr Sekharjit does not understand why DESAM mentioned repeatedly the case of Anatomy department, adding that all the leave substitute doctors except Dr Vandana were relieved from their services owing to have reported by the concerned doctors.
In this matter, DESAM raised their doubtfulness over the issue of Dr Bidyut Kumar Das of having a possible foul play with Dr Sekherjit.
The release concluded that the issue is closed with this press statement as RIMS authority did not dwell its argument in the principle theme of the issue, it said.