KKNSDMA annual cultural festival concludes
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, November 25 2021:
The 16th Annual Cultural festival and 21st Foundation day of Khundrakpam Kendra Nata Sankirtan Dance and Music Academy (KKNSDMA) was concluded today at Sambei Awang Leikai community hall.
The two day programme which was started yesterday was attended by Sh Nabachandra (Naba Volcano), general council member Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi; W Komol, president KKNSDMA; A Lokeshwar, vice president KKNSDMA; Th Muhindro, project officer Child Development; K Ronen, managing director, Emoinu Construction and E Sovid, chairman Arambai as presidium members.
Speaking at the event, M Sharat said Khundrakpam AC is no less than other constituencies in terms of number of artists, but the main problem is the artists of the constituency does not get neither the time nor the platform to work together.
That was the main motive behind the formation of the KKNSDMA by artists from Haraorou, Sambei and Tangkham.
The academy has brought a lot of change in the lives of artists engaged in performing arts.
He added that the schemes sponsored by Sangeet Natak Akademi new Delhi will enabled the academy to perform better and engaged new artists.