Cabinet nods to Draft Mizoram Lok Ayukta Rules, 2015
Source: The Sangai Express / Newmai News Network
Aizawl,July 23 2015:
The Mizoram cabinet during a meeting held today at the Chief Secretary's Conference Hall today approved Draft Mizoram Lok Ayukta Rules, 2015 .
14 agendas and 7 additional items were tabled in the meeting out of which The Mizoram Private Security Agencies (First Amendment) Rule, 2014; Proposal for obtaining approval of Council of Ministers for Granting Government Guarantee Deeds of HUDCO Loan in respect of Chakma Autonomous District Council and Mara Autonomous District Council; Proposal for the Mizoram Municipal Authorities (Prohibition of Defection) Rules, 2015; The Mizoram Municipalities (Discloser of Assets and Furnishing of other Information) Rules, 2015; The Mizoram Street Vendor (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Rules, 2015; Draft of the Mizoram Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Amendment Rules, 2015; Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the post of Director, Sports & Youth Services Department; Mizoram Subordinate Stenographers Service (Amendment) Rules, 2015 and Mizoram Subordinate Stenographers Service (Limited Departmental Examination) (Amendment Regulations, 2015; The Mizoram Appropriation Act, 1978 and 1979 (Repeal) Bill, 2015; The Mizoram Appropriation (Vote on Account) Act, 1978 and 1979 (Repeal) Bill, 2015 and The Mizoram Clinical & Health Establishment (Regulation) Act, 2007 (Repeal) Bill, 2015 have been approved.
The Cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla has approved Recommendation of the Sub Committee to study the feasibility Or Otherwise of Cadre Review for time bound promotion/Non Functional Promotion in respect of Assistant Engineers/ SDOs under MES/Engineering departments, Amendment of Contract Regularization Scheme; Proposal for creation of two posts of Assistant Jailor for Serchhip and Mamit District Jail under Home (Prisons) Department for Direct recruitment; Dissolution of Aizawl Development Authority and Transfer of its functions and duties and other paraphernalia of the ADA to the Municipality; Draft "The Mizoram Registration of Birth & Deaths (Amendment) Rules, 2015; The Draft Mizoram Health Services (Amendment) Rules, 2015; and Draft Mizoram Lok Ayukta Rules, 2015 .