State DGP clarifies police stand
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, June 09 2011:
With regard to the reports that appeared in local dailies today regarding the alleged obstruction given to a MLA in taking up road improvement work at Langjing-Iroishemba Inter Village Road in Imphal West district, DGP Y Joykumar made a categorical clarification while expressing regret if any mistake was committed by the police in discharging their duties.
In a clarification made available to the media houses here, the DGP asserted that beginning from 2010-11, the Police Department on receiving complaints of undesirable interferences in developmental works had joined hands with the Works Department seeking its help, and has been helping in the taking up of developmental works taking into consideration the plight of the people.
In the same year when the improvement work of the Nongmaikhong to Hiyanglam inter-village road could not be taken up due to disturbances given by UG elements, villagers requested the authority to hand over the work to the police.
Considering the importance of the road to the villagers and as part of addressing the plight of the people, police took the initiative by handing over the road improvement work to an able contractor after due consultation with the Works Department.
Since then there has been a marked progress in the road improvement work and it is near completion, the DGP explained.
Taking into account the welfare of the people, Police Department requested the Work minister to include the improvement works of road from Iroishemba to Patsoi and from Moidangpok Community Pukhri to Aheibam Leikai in the work programme of 2011-12 .
The said two roads were in very bad conditions due to lack of attention for the last many years.
Last year, people of the area faced utmost inconveniences when a bridge connecting Iroishemba and Patsoi collapsed and lay in an unusable state for about five months.
Responding to the request by Meira Paibis and womenfolk of the area, Police Department took the initiative to repair the bridge as a special work programme after requesting the Works Department.
When a green signal to take up the bridge repairing work transpired, many contractors came ready to take the contract work.
Initially there were intimidations from some vying contractors, the DGP noted adding the police faced all opposition and now the work has been completed and the bridge is in use.
In the meantime, Works minister had informed the police to start the road improvement works of the two roads, Iroishemba to Patsoi and Moidangpok Community Pukhri to Aheibam Leikai stating the works will be included in the work programme of 2011-12 as per request by the police.
When the police started to take up the work, they found some dumps of clay with stones scattered on the road side.
When police inquired about the dumpings to the Work Department, officials there said they had no knowledge about it.
As there were many instances of contractors lobbying to get work orders and to start work before issuance of work orders, the Patsoi OC was instructed to enquire into the matter if it was a part of contractors' tricks and plans to get the work order.
In truth, the Police Department does not want to burden itself with the fallout of the saying "Okna Nillaga Lamhuina Mana Thaba" .
The department is suspicous that the unauthorised improvement work started after recieving hints of a green signal of issuance of work orders, particularly so when nobody took interest to improve the road for such a long time, Joykumar pointed out.
But, when MLA Keba, through the media, expressed that he had taken up the road improvement work with money from his own pocket in order to address the inconveniences caused to the people by the bad condition of the road, the police heaved a sigh of relief.
The Police Department is thankful to the MLA, and his action is also a matter of pride for the people of Patsoi.
Police expects that the MLA will keep his word and take up the work sincerely in the interest of the public.
The MLA is a well experienced former contractor.
He needs no advice from others in this field.
The only thing police wants to urge the MLA is to take up the road improvement work at his level best in the interest of the people leaving behind the idea of seeking a contract work as is done by most contractors.
After filling up the potholes properly, the MLA should complete the WBM and blacktop it to the standard of one and a half inches in thickness.
He should also instruct his workers to control the quality of the work, the note of DGP said.
It also urged the local clubs and Meira Paibis to keep a close vigil on the work so as to prevent workers from doing anything wrong while taking up the road improvement work.
As the MLA is taking the initiative with his own money, he needs to take utmost care not to lose his credibility, the DGP said assuring that police will extend all co-operation if any sort of disturbances or monetary demands come to the MLA while taking up the work.
The DGP also expressed hope that the MLA will on his own expenses take up road improvement works in other places where needed.
Since the MLA is bent on taking up the said work with his own money, Police Department will request the Works minister to make a change in the work programme and choose another place where the money can be utilised for public welfare.
Lastly, the DGP expressed regret if the Patsoi OC had shown any unpleasant attitude to the MLA out of any misunderstandings that may have arisen.