Womenfolk demand justice in secret killings
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, September 06 2018:
Highlighting several demands in connection with the alleged extra-judicial killings of G Jiteswar Sharma, Th Satish, Th Prem, RK Ranel and Ph Naobi, womenfolk of Yumnam Khunou, Ishingthenbi, Lairok Kom, Ishikha, Sinam, Sinam Kom and Khalok staged a sit-in at the community hall of Yumnam Khunou Khunjao, Imphal East today.
The demands include investigation into the extra-judicial killings of the five individuals by an independent investigating agency, handing over of the mortal remains of G Jiteswar Sharma and Th Satish to their respective families, awarding befitting punishments to the culprits involved in the alleged extra-judicial execution and repealing AFSPA.
Several CSO members also spoke during the sit-in-protest organized under the aegis of the J AC Against the Custodial Killing of G Jiteswar Sharma, Th Satish, Th Prem, RK Ranel and Ph Naobi.
AMUCO vice-president Nameirakpamcha Modhuchandra alleged that the Government of India cannot consider the people of the State and North East as its citizens still today.
For this very reason, the people of Manipur and North East as a whole are being ill-treated with the enforcement of AFSPA till today although the same Act has been repealed from other regions of India with the acknowledgement that it is inhuman and cruel.
However, AFSPA still remains in force in the North East region despite strong protests by the people of the region since decades during which many innocent people were killed, many others forced to disappear and brutally tortured in the shadow of the Act.
Hence, it is high time that the people of Manipur and North East as a whole fight for their fundamental rights and launch a collective crusade against AFSPA and the atrocities committed by security forces under the shadow of the Act, he added.
COHR chairman Phulindro Konsam strongly condemned the alleged extra-judicial killings of G Jiteswar Sharma, Th Satish, Th Prem, RK Ranel and Ph Naobi and demanded justice for the said alleged killings.
Decrying that the Government of India has not been paying heed to the demands of the people of Manipur to deliver justice to the alleged extra-judicial killings committed by army, paramilitary forces and security forces, Phulindro further lamented that the CBI's SIT which was formed to investigate the alleged extrajudicial killings cases as per an order of the Supreme Court is making little progress.