Irregular power supply disrupts life at villages in Noney
Source: The Sangai Express
Noney, May 25 2021:
Villages Council Longmai (Noney) Area has claimed that ever since the installation 33 KV Power Sub Station in Noney district Headquarters, it has not been able to generate regular supply of electricity in the villages which has taken connections from the sub station.
The above statement was made by Adai Dangmei, chairman of Villages Council Longmai (Noney) Area.
He stated that the installation of prepaid meters in Noney Bazar were done 5 years back and compulsory rental charges are being deducted automatically from the consumers though there is no regular supply of electricity which have raised many questions from the consumers that who will compensate them for the deducted charges.
Elaborating on the factors regarding the irregular supply of electricity, he said that wire of HT line from Yurembam Power Station to Noney Station is being carried by low post of LT line which is prone to suppression by branches of trees leading to irregular power supply.
And the Controlling Machine Feeders of Noney 33 KV Power sub Station are not functioning properly since most of the machines are old.
Lastly he appealed the Minister and Department concerned to look into the matter and solve it at the earliest in the interest of the suffering locals.