State central library paying taxes in vain to Archives
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, July 04 2011:
Even though the SPF government is taking up many initiatives for all round development in the state, the state central library has been unable to open a separate section for children due to lack of proper infrastructures and rooms and paying housing taxes for Manipur State Archives to the Municipality.
When the library building was on the northern side of Governor's bungalow children used to frequent the library to read comics and other magazines and they were also allowed to borrow the books they chose to their homes.
However after the tragedy of the library building occurred in 2005 in which some social activists burnt down the building, the library was shifted to a building at Keishampat.
Unfortunately, the new building does not have adequate rooms for book racks, reading room and other essential rooms which make it unable to open the separate section for children.
However, children visitors are allowed to admit to the library and borrow books according to their choice at present.
Even though the shifting of the library building was done before some five years, Department of Arts and Culture who is the authority of the library is not doing anything to address the inconveniences.
On the other hand, the state central library is paying housing taxes of the library as well as taxes of the Manipur State Archives which situated inside the building of the library complex.
Manipur State Archives was shifted to the present location after its building at Porompat was demolished in 1999.Library is paying the taxes since the whole building and the complex is registered in the name of State Central Library in the Imphal Municipal Council.
According to a reliable source, State Central Library was told by the IMC to clear Rs 10,368 as tax for 10 years beginning from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2011.However the State Central Library ended up paying Rs 10,408 by adding Rs 40 as late fine as they failed to clear the tax within the given schedule.
Department of Arts and Culture should check the matter at the earliest to prevent the amount from going in vain, the source asserted.