Mao inferno reduces saw mill to ashes
Source: The Sangai Express
Senapati, October 31 2017:
In a major fire outbreak at Mufua colony, Pikomai Village, Mao Gate, one sawmill was completely burned down and properties worth more than Rs 83 lakh destroyed
The fire broke out in the night of October 29 .
The sawmill, Akha and Sons' Sawmill, is owned by Kapani Akha, (60) of Shajouba village .
The inferno destroyed all the equipments of the saw mill including two tolly machines, four electric motors and timbers .
One tyre shop, one mechanic workshop and a pan shop were also burnt down in the inferno which spread fast to other standing structures .
According to people who persons in inferno, the outbreak of the fire was detected at 10 pm and they had no opportunity to fight the blazing fire .
Arson is suspected, according to the witnesses .
Fire Brigade personnel arrived at the scene at only about 2 am but couldn't control the huge inferno, and one more fire brigade team was deployed at 10 am .
The inferno could be controlled on October 31, two days after it broke out .
There is however no report of any human casualty in the blazing inferno.