Discussion seeks people's participation to end armed conflict
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, January 16, 2011:
A public discussion on "Manipur-India muknaba amasung muknaba asi wakheiba asida miyam saruk yaba" held at Sekmai Koujengleima community hall today resolved that a plebiscite is required to end the conflict.
The discussion was organised by the Advance Women Society, Sekmai.
General secretary, Advocate Y Priyokumar of All Manipur Bar Association reminded that Manipur with a 2000 year old history, having its own language, scripts and culture was forcibly merged into Indian Union on October 16, 1949.Since then armed groups started struggling to regain the lost sovereignty.
He further recalled that Manipur was previously invaded by Burma, a period known as the "seven years devastation" and by the British after the Manipuri-Anglo War of 1891. Manipur got its independence from teh British a day ahead of India following which it was ruled under its own constitution, Manipur Constitution Act, which came into force from July 1947, Priyokumar said.
An address given by Maharaj Bodhachandra in the Manipur House constituted with the appointment of a Chief Minister under the Act is still in the custody of the Manipur Archives.
Manipur was merged to the Indian Union after Maharaj Bodhachandra was forced to sign a merger agreement in Shillong where he was called to, Priyokumar added citing that no other representative person from the state was in presence when the agreement was signed.
Manipur was not represented when the Constitution of India was drafted.
This is the actual starting point of the conflict between India and Manipur, and this conflict has made a huge impact on the people of the state.
In such a situation, the people of Manipur desires to participate in ending the conflict situation.
Therefore, it is a must for the government to find a policy to bring an end to the conflict.
Sunil Karam, vice president of NIPCO observed that it is debatable whether the people of the state are living with pride under the present system of governance.
The people of the state are in the jaws of misery like as it was during the British rule.
After a momentary taste of freedom the people have again taken up to an armed struggle to retain their freedom.
He said, the suffering of the people of the state under the guns of security forces and armed revolutionaries is lengthier than the Mahabharata and Ramayana epics.
Sunil insisted, this conflict should be put to an end.
In the concluding part of the discussion, three resolutions were passed unanimously.
The points were to hold a plebiscite to end the conflict, to hand over members of all UG groups arrested outside the state including UNLF chairman, RK Meghen to Manipur government and people's participation in ending the conflict.
President A Shanti of Advance Women Society, Sekmai, secretary Kh Ramani of Nupi Samaj, president S Momon of Tami-Chingmi Nupi Lup, L Rakesh of Sekmai Protection Community and social worker Kh Omor were in the dais in today's public discussion.