Third party to monitor PMAY house construction
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, September 10 2018:
The Town Planning Department has initiated due process to appoint a third party which would monitor construction of houses in the State under PMAY-Urban.
Under PMAY-Urban scheme, also known as Housing for All, Ministry of Houses and Urban Affairs will provide Rs 1.50 lakh each for construction of houses for families which do not have proper houses in urban areas.
The scheme is being implemented by 27 urban local bodies in the State.
With the exception of three urban local bodies which includes IMC, all others have completed selection of beneficiaries and some of them sanctioned funds for construction of houses.
As per the guidelines of the scheme, a third quality monitoring agency must be appointed and the agency should monitor construction of houses at different stages by way of field visits.
As notified by the Town Planning Department, interested agencies can submit proposals till 3 pm of September 15 and technical proposals of interested agencies would be opened at 3.30 pm of the same day.
But financial bids would be opened on a date fixed by the department, informed a source.
According to the guidelines of the schemes, annual incomes of the beneficiaries should be below Rs 3 lakh and the homestead land should be registered in the name of the beneficiary or his/her father.
At the time of construction of house, the homestead land should be registered in the name of the beneficiary and spouse.
The criteria given for selection of PMAY-Urban beneficiaries are quite simple and the beneficiaries may self-certify their annual incomes, said the source.
Urban local bodies should select beneficiaries after field surveys and the sites identified for construction of houses should be geo-tagged and the same should be uploaded on the relevant website of the Ministry.
There is no limit to the number of PM AY-Urban beneficiaries and all the families who do not have proper houses are eligible for the scheme.
As per guide lines, the third party quality monitoring agency should monitor construction of houses at three phases -first, when construction process has reached the stage of 10-15 per cent; second when the construction has reached 50-60 per cent stage and third, when the construction process has reached 85-100 per cent stage, added the source.