Quarantine centres for two ACs set up
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, May 08 2020:
Manipur Trade and Expo Centre in Lamboikhongnangkhong will function as a quarantine centre for Uripok Assembly Constituency.
Deputy CM Y Joykumar stated that cleaning and preparation work is underway to ready the quarantine centre.
The centre is huge with proper fencing and toilet facilities and inmates can even enjoy walks in the campus, he added.
He further Extended his assistance to individuals of the AC stranded in Guwahati and said that if needed, 2 buses will be sent to retrieve them.
He has also offered to accommodate people of neighbouring AC in this quarantine centre.
The Assistant Commissioner, DC Imphal West and Uripok community quarantine centre in-charge Heisnam Sukumar Singh are also part of the team involved in setting up the quarantine centre with help from Uripok Semgat Sagat Apunba Lup and fire service team.
Meanwhile, RK Sanatombi Vidyalaya is to function as a quarantine centre for Khundrakpam AC.
The women folk of the Constituency along with Khundrakpam AC MLA Th Lokeshwor and many others took to cleaning and sanitizing the school to ensure that the inmates receive home-like treatment during their quarantine period.
MLA Th Lokeshwor also asked those registered to the Government website www.tengbang.in to cross-check their confirmation code/details.