Nagas won't merge with India; separate flag, Constitution must: Muivah
74th Naga 1-Day observed all over
Source: The Sangai Express
Kolkata, August 14 2020:
Reiterating its position that there can be no "honourable solution" to the Naga Peace talks without a separate flag and a Constitution, National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Isak-Muivah) chief Th Muivah on Friday said Nagas will "not merge with India" .
In his annual 'Naga Independence Day' address, Muivah said, "Nagas will co-exist with India sharing sovereign powers as agreed in the Framework Agreement and defined in the competencies.
But they will not merge with India.
"The Naga people have neither accepted the Union of India nor her Constitution at any point of time.
History will ever speak of that fact.
We will not accept them today and even in days to come," the NSCN (IM) chief added.
Muivah claimed that both flag and a Constitution were symbols of Naga Nationhood.
"We are not asking for Naga National flag and Constitution from the Government of India.
Recognize them or not, we have our own flag and Constitution.
The Nagas must keep their flag and Constitution," he said.
Claiming that Nagas and Indians were "poles apart in terms of history, race, identity, culture, language, geography, political concept and faith", Muivah said there was a need to find a common meeting point so that the two could co-exist together as two entities.
"No doubt, all the Indian Interlocutors understood this reality and acknowledged the position of the Nagas," he said.
Seeking a "political solution" to the age-old conflict, Nagas had agreed to the "Framework Agreement" signed with the Government of India in 2015 based on the principle of "co-existence and shared-sovereignty", Muivah said.
The NSCN (IM) chief claimed that in the Framework Agreement the Government of India had recognised the sovereignty of the Nagas.
The agreement, he claimed, mentions, "Inclusive peaceful co-existence of the two entities sharing sovereign power".
"Nevertheless, we said we must work out a common ground for a meeting point so that we may co-exist together as two entities.
No doubt, all Indian Interlocutors understood this reality and acknowledged the position of the Nagas," Muivah said.
The statement comes just days after NSCN (IM) sought removal of RN Ravi, the Interlocutor appointed by Government of India for the peace talks, accusing him of twisting the Framework Agreement to push his own narrative.
"Ravi has proved himself as incompetently reckless.
How could Ravi arrogate to himself the power to change the rules/contents of the agreement arbitrarily?" the group questioned through an official press statement released on August 11 .
Senapati: In line with the observation and saluting the past and present Naga leaders who have stood firm for the 'cause of the people and the land,' the All Naga Students' Association, Manipur (ANSAM) observed the 74th Naga Independence Day at its office at Senapati under the aegis of the Naga Students' Federation.
In a statement, ANSAM said that they reaffirm the decision of the forefathers to claim their right to live as a free Nation free from the domination of any foreign power.
ANSAM claimed that it was on August 14, 74 years back that the Naga people proclaimed freedom and independence before the world and added that countless Naga men and women have laid down their lives in defending the land and 'our history'.
More than three lakh Nagas have lost their lives, many women raped and molested and thousands of houses and properties have been burnt.
It is time for the youth/students and the younger generation to understand history and the 'hard earned historical and political position,' of the people, added ANSAM.
"Nagas do not hate India nor are they our enemy.
However, we also do not have any reason to be Indians.
We admire the incredible Indian sub-continent and its greatness.
But our conscience does not allow us to become what we are not.
Nagas do not ask independence from India; indeed we do not want anything from India," declared ANSAM.
Appreciating the leadership of the Government of India and the NSCN/GPRN for signing the Framework Agreement on August 3, 2015, ANSAM reposed faith and confidence in the leadership of Narendra Modi to usher in a final settlement that will be honourable to both parties.
An honourable solution based on the Framework Agreement and the 'unique history and situation of the Nagas,' is what is hoped for, added ANSAM.
The Naga National Flag was also hoisted at the ANSAM secretariat complex at Senapati.
Noney: Civil organization leaders of Longmai (Noney) also jointly observed the day at Lukhambi part-2, Noney district.
Kenan Kamei, president RNCM, Adai Dangmei, chairman Villages Council Longmai Area (VCLA), Thuankubui Pamei, chairman, Rongmei Naga Customary Bench, graced the observance as chief guest, president & special guest.
Addressing the day, Kenan Kamei said that the freedom movement of the Nagas has dragged on for so long as the Government of India has been creating division amongst the Nagas to scuttle the issue and the same divide and rule policy is still being pursued.
This is all the more reason for the Nagas to be very wary.
Resource person Th Pamei gave an account of the history of the Nagas and why the Naga Independence Day is observed on August 14.Nagas have their own unique history over land, resources, culture and tradition and added that Nagas didn't depend on anyone nor were under the rule of anyone since the beginning, he added.
The said program was organised by the Villages Council Longmai Area (VCLA) .
Ukhrul: All the Tangkhul villages of both (Kamjong & Ukhrul) districts also observed the day by hoisting the Naga National flag in their respective villages.
Senior Citizen Chiri Muinao unfurled the rainbow coloured Naga National flag at the front gate of TNL hall, Ukhrul in the presence of Ukhrul ADC Chairman, religious leaders, social organization leaders and well wishers.
Later, a public meeting was held.
During the meeting, CAO, Wung Tangkhul Region (WTR) C Kasar greeted the people on behalf of the collective leadership of NSCN (IM).
C Kasar also read out the message of the NSCN (IM) leader Th Muivah which said "that flag and Constitution are the vital ingredients of our recognized sovereign entity and the symbols of Naga Nationhood.
Our political salvation lies in clinging to our National principle and saying no to the dictation of the enemies, and every Naga must participate to defend our inherent political rights.
It is our right to have our own flag and Constitution.
"It was informed that in 1950, the Constituent Assembly of India invited the Nagas to join the Union of India, but it was rejected by the Naga people.
The offer of joining the Union of Burma ws also rejected.
"This historical fact was reaffirmed by subsequent conduct of plebiscite in 1951 when the Naga people voted in favor of a sovereign independent Nagalim," read the CAO.
C Kasar added that the Indo-Naga political dialogue is at a critical stage and added that the time has come for every Naga to prepare for any consequence.
TNL president Hopingson A Shimray said that celebration of Naga Independence day in every Tangkhul village is very significant for the National movement, "which clearly shows our rights cannot be subjugated by any force" .
The Naga National flag was hoisted on the roadsides of Ukhrul town and on vehicles plying in the town.
On a separate occasion, the Tangkhul Katamnao Saklong (TKS) also celebrated the day by hoisting the Naga flag in their office complex opposite Mini Secretariat office, Hamleikhong.
Meiphung production, Ukhrul also launched a video song by local rock band Feather Head on the ocassion.
Senapati: The apex frontal organisations of Senapati comprising of the Naga People's Organization, Senapati District Women's Association and the Senapati District Students Association also observed the day at office of SDSA.
The Naga flag was hoisted by Solomon Arow, presidentof NPO.
Addressing the gathering, the NPO President read out the message of Th Muivah and added that in 1950, the constituent Assembly of India invited the Nagas to join the Union of India, which was rejected.
They had also rejected the offer of joining the Union of Burma.
This historical fact was reaffirmed by subsequent conduct of plebiscite in 1951, where 99.9% of the Naga people voted in favour of a sovereign independent Nagalim, which is still fresh in the memory of many older people today.
As mandated a negotiating led Th Muivah, held a series of talks with representatives of the Govt of India from the position of its unique history.
It took a long time for the Nagas to make the Indian leaders understand and admit what the unique history of the Nagas is.
The Indian negotiators acknowledged that the Nagas have the history of sovereign independence.
They are also well informed of the historical fact that the Nagas have neither been a party to the union of India nor to that of Burma.
Special prayer was made by the gathering after having sang the song "God bless my motherland" .
(with India Today inputs) .