Rice allotment exceeds quota
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, December 04 2015 :
Even as the State Government has been struggling to implement the National Food Security Act unsuccessfully so far, it has been detected that 63,738.72 quintals of rice have been allocated to Tamei AC, Tamenglong AC and Nungba AC of Tamenglong district above the normal quota of rice entitled to the three Assembly segments.
Now many quarters have started questioning how the Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (CAF&PD) Department allocated such a huge quantity of rice the market value of which is estimated to be around Rs eight crore.
Rice quota allocated to Tamei, Tamenglong and Nungba ACs for the financial year 2014-15 was 1493.10 quintals for BPL, 952.40 quintals for AAY, 749.46 quintals for APL and 984 quintals for Additional APL.
Annual quota of rice allocated to the three Assembly segments is 50147.52 quintals and the monthly quota is 4178.96 quintals.
In addition to this annual quota of 50147.52 quintals, the three Assembly segments are allocated additional 10990.68 quintals comprising of 415.89 quintals for APL and another 500 quintals for BPL.
Taking into account the additional allotment, people of Tamenglong district are entitled to 61138.20 quintals of rice in a year.
However, the three Assembly segments have been issued 124876.92 quintals of rice which exceed the allocated quantity of 61,138.20 quintals by 63,738.72 quintals.
A written intimation signed by the CAF&PD Joint Director on July 16 this year said that 124876.92 quintals of rice were issued to Tamenglong district.
A letter sent by the CAF&PD Director on July 17 to the FCI Deputy General Manager (R) verified the figure cited by the Joint Director.
Many quarters have now started questioning how and on what pretext the additional 63,738.72 quintals of rice were issued to Tamei, Tamenglong and Nungba Assembly segments.
Whether all the allocated rice have been distributed to public or whether some elements have swindled the additional allotment, if not the whole allotment is not known.