MGSF, CS briefly interact
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, April 04 2018:
Chief Secretary Dr Suresh Babu and representatives of the Manipur Government Services Federation (MGSF) which has been demanding implementation of the 7th Pay with respect to State Government employees and pensioners held a brief meeting as scheduled earlier.
Saying that he would convene a final meeting with the fitment committee in the next couple of days, the Chief Secretary cut short the meeting.
Nevertheless, Dr Suresh Babu said that he would soon fix a date for a meeting with MGSF after his meeting with the fitment committee.
Meanwhile, Manipur Secretariat Services Association (MSSA) general secretary Purujit Lairikyengbam has been removed from his post.
Purujit Lairikyengbam is also the general secretary of MGSF.
He issued a notice yesterday for a meeting of MSSA members at 1 pm today.
Even as only 10 to 15 minutes were left before the scheduled meeting, Purujit could not be found anywhere.
Taking strong exception to the sudden disappearance, the association decided to remove Purujit from the post of general secretary.
Subsequently, joint secretary T Babudhon has been given the additional charge of general secretary, according to a statement issued by the MSSA vice-president M Iboyaima Meitei.
Meanwhile MSSA vice-president M Iboyaima Meitei who is also serving as publicity secretary of MGSF has submitted a letter to the MGSF president seeking resignation from the post of publicity secretary but he did not give any reason, informed a source.