ANSAM remembers Namthiurei
Source: The Sangai Express / Newmai News Network
Tamenglong, July 20 2013 :
All Naga Students' Association, Manipur (ANSAM) today ob-served the 8th death anniver- sary of Namthiurei Abonmei who lost his life on July 20, 2005 at the Irang River in Tamenglong district during the 52-day long ANSAM econo-mic blockade.
ANSAM insist that Abon-mei died while "resisting do- mination of a struggling people by the State and its allies" .
The programme was held at ANSAM Martyr's Park in Tamenglong.
"In 2005, ANSAM had imposed economic blockade for 52 days straight against the Manipur government's decision declaring June 18 as state holiday in honour of the violent uprising, recognising the anti-ceasefire rioters as martyrs," the Naga students' body said.
Leaders of Zeliangrong Baudi, Manipur (ZBM), ANSAM, Zeliangrong Students' Union Manipur (ZSUM), Zeliangrong Students' Union Tamenglong District, Zeliangrong Youth Front, Tamenglong Zone and frontal organisations were present at the grave of late Namthiurei Abonmai and paid rich floral tributes to mark the occasion today.
These Naga organisations then presented a token of love to Akhianliu, wife of late Namthiurei Abonmei and also to the five children.
Thomas Kamei, chairman Zeliangrong Baudi, Manipur and Seth Satshang, president of ANSAM also spoke on the occasion.
Majabung Gangmei, a prominent Zeliangrong leader said a one-minute silent prayer was observed in all the Naga areas as a symbol of respect to late Abonmei.
Meanwhile, Seth Shatsang said, "In his death we lost a dynamic young soul who un-derstood that peace is hard earned.
He is survived by his wife, 5 (five) children and a burning hope for the Naga people" .
"It may be recalled that June 2001 changed the meaning and discourse of peace in Manipur and it became to mean peace that is understood only by dominant people forgetting to embrace and include struggling peoples in its ambit.
They declared, 'There are no Nagas in Manipur state' and protested against the extension of ceasefire in the Naga areas.
The unwarranted incidents that took place remain as bitter memories and have today come to unfortunately define relationships and solidarity too," Seth Shatsang stated.
According to the Naga students' body leader, to add to the insult the Government of Manipur in accordance with the dominant group's civil society and intellectuals officially declared June 18 as a State Holiday openly demonstrating its anti-Naga stand.
In protest, ANSAM had launched an economic blockade on both the National Highways - 39 & 53 (now 2 & 37 respectively).
"The State Government instead of finding a way out chose to use force that called for leaders like Eno.
Namthiurei Abonmei to give up his life, to send the message that voices of Naga people and other marginalized communities of Manipur will not be silenced by the 'powerful' state and its allies," the ANSAM president said.