UPRFM takes serious note of titular king's decision to contest RS poll
Source: IT News
Imphal, March 19 2020:
Taking serious note of the decision of titular King Leishemba Sanajaoba to contest the Rajya Sabha elections as a nominee of the BJP, the United People's Revolutionary Front of Manipur has charged that this is a slap on the face of the people and the rich history of the land, all for occupying a position for 5/6 years.
In a statement issued to the press, the outfit claimed that this is a move to ensure that Manipur continues to be under an alien rule.
The seven years devastation from 1819 to 1826, the infighting amongst the princesses of Manipur in 1891 which paved the way for the Anglo-Manipur War and the loss of sovereignty to the British, the alleged forceful Merger Agreement of 1949 are all landmarks in the history of the land, said the outfit and added that ever since then the cry of liberation has been raised by the people.
Kangleipak had her own written Constitution in 1947 and a Constituent Assembly came into being in 1948, recalled the statement and added that this was how power was transferred to the Assembly Council.
The Merger Agreement was also negated by the Manipur Assembly in September 1949 and a ratification was issued later, it recalled.
Moreover a convention held on October 28 and 29 in 1993 at GM Hall adopted the resolution that the Merger Agreement cannot be acceptable.
A number of people have sacrificed their lives for the 'sovereignty of the land' it said and added that it follows that elections cannot be acceptable.
Given these facts it would do good for Leishemba Sanajaoba to renounce his decision and come to the point that he cannot be called a King without the consent of the people.