Source: The Sangai Express / Newmai News Network
Aizawl, November 15 2010:
Journalists from Manipur toured various parts of Mizoram and interacted with the top bureaucrats of Mizoram and local people since their arrival in Aizawl on November 11 .
The 13-member Manipur media team headed by Laishram Samungou of The Sangai Express and Manipur DIPR representative Jogendrajit arrived in Aizawl on November 11 .
The members are Dhanbanda of the Poknapham, Sukham Nanda of the Imphal Free Press, B.Devchandra of Ereibak daily, Bishorjit of Naharol Thoudang, L.Krishnamurti of Sanaleibak, Geet of Huieyen Lanpao, Dember of Image TV, N.Jonish of The North East Sun, Neta of Simanta Pratika, Jeet Ningomba of I.S TV, Maibam Ibochouba of The Imphal Free Press and Yambem Popcha of Paojel.
During their 3-day stay in Mizoram the media persons from Manipur interacted with their counterparts of the Mizoram Journalists' Association (MJA) at the Press Club.
After the interaction, at the I & PR Auditorium P.L.Thanga, IAS, vice chairman, New Land Use Policy (NLUP) Implementing Board gave the media-persons an indepth presentation on the New Land Use Policy (NLUP) � a unique flagship programme of the State Government aimed at inclusive development.
In his presentation, P.L.Thanga highlighted the progress and development in Mizoram since the Peace Accord in 1986 and added that it was the active participation of the people and their cooperation with successive governments that brought forth progress and development in the state.
The PWD and the Power and Electricity Department also gave presentations on their departments' achievements, which was followed by an interactive session.
In the afternoon, the Manipur media team met Mizoram chief secretary Van Hela Pachuau and State Director General of Police (DGP) Lalrokhuma Pachuau.
During their interaction, the chief secretary told the visiting media team on how peace in Mizoram has brought unprecedented progress and development in various sectors while the DGP highlighted the positive cooperation between the press and the State Government.
Later the team also met Zodintluanga minister, I & PR, Sports, etc and state H.Liansailova, Agriculture minister.
During their interaction, Zodintluanga spoke about the achievements of the press in Mizoram and the Journalists' Welfare Society and Fund and also highlighted the unique 'Catch Them Young' policy of the Government in sports.
H.Liansailova told the visiting Manipur journalists about the various achievements of the Agriculture department.
On the November 13, the Manipur journalists left for Champhai and the next day they visited the Border Trade centre at Zokhawthar and the Champhai Grape Winery.
The media team left for Silchar on November 15 and will pay a visit the Squash Farms at Sihphir on their way.