KVK Chandel hosts field day / scientist-farmer interaction programme
Source: The Sangai Express
Chandel, November 07 2024:
A field day cum scientist-farmer interaction on "Rice Var RC-Maniphou-16" was organised by ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chandel at Riverlane village, Chandel today.
According to a press release issued by A Ameeta Devi, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK Chandel, the objective of the field day was to showcase the importance of Integrated Nutrient Management on rice variety RC- Maniphou-16 to the farmers for enhancing the production, productivity and economics.
On the occasion, Dr Khumlo Levish SMS (Agronomy), ICAR-KVK Chandel highlighted the performance of the rice variety RC-Maniphou-16 which is a newly released variety by ICAR-RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre.
The variety is a semi-dwarf, medium duration with the potential yield of 7-8 tons per hectare with good management practices.
It is resistant to leaf and neck blast diseases.
It also has got soft cooking quality with low amylose content and is highly preferred by the people of Manipur, she said.
Dr Khumlo Levish also explained that Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) is a comprehensive approach to improve rice yields by minimizing nutrient losses to the environment and managing the nutrient supply, and thereby resulting in high nutrient use efficiency.
Moreover, INM plays a crucial role in climate change adaptation, improving soil health and resilience.
She also encouraged the farmers to use fertilizer judiciously to safeguard the soil health and sustainability.
Meanwhile, Dr A Ameeta Devi urged the farmers to adopt INM and reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers so that it helps to restore and sustain crop productivity and also maintain the ecology of the ecosystem.
A scientist-farmer interaction session was also conducted and attended by the experts of ICAR-KVK Chandel Ts Leenda Monsang SMS (Plant Breeding), Dr K Sonamani Singh, SMS (SWCE), Dr Y Prabhabati Devi, SMS (Home Science) and Ps Lavid Anal, SMS (Horticulture) .
Thirty-eight farmers along with the staff of ICAR-KVK Chandel participated in the field day.