NSCN IM holds people's consultative meet ; Natural resources belong to us : Lungaleng
Source: The Sangai Express
Tamenglong, October 07 2015:
A people's consultative meet on Indo-Naga peace talk was held here today at the indoor stadium organized by the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN), Zeilad, Zeliangrong Region.
Various speakers spoke on the unique Naga history, Indo-Naga political talks and the framework agreement signed between the Government of India and the collective leaders of NSCN.
Speaking on the Indo-Naga political talks AK Lungaleng, a member of the collective leadership of the NSCN (GPRN) said that the NSCN and the Government of India under the leadership of IK Gujral announced a 3 month ceasefire agreement.
The pact was signed bilaterally on three principles- the political talks would be unconditional, the talks would be at the highest (Prime Minister) level and the talks would be conducted in third neutral country, which came into effect on August 1, 1997 .
"The collective leadership of the NSCN and the Government of India have been in continuous political talks to bring a peaceful solution" said AK Lungaleng and added "for the First time in the Indo-Naga history the GoI recognised the unique history and the situation of the Nagas on June 11, 2002" .
Speaking of natural resources, AK Lungaleng said Nagas have rich reserves of natural resources.
"The natural resources, underground or overground, in the Naga areas will be of the Nagas forever.
If the natural resources tapped in our land are explored, Nagas will be the richest," added Lungaleng.
Standhope S Vara, Deputy Kilonser, MIP, G Akhuan, steering member and Guangkarei Malangmei, Tatar also spoke at the meeting.
"Now the fruit of our labour is ripening.
We need to safeguard it, dropping all differences amongst the various factions" said G Akhuan.
Guangkarei Malangmei also spoke on the important stage the Nagas are in now.
They appealed all factions to leave all differences, join hands and fight against the enemy for the future of the Nagas.
Standhope S Vara, speaking on the framework agreement, said "before the signing of the framework agreement, there was a stage of negotiation between the two parties.
Now, the foundation is laid with this peace accord.
It is hopeful that the solution to the Indo-Naga issue will be brought about soon" .
Vara also spoke on the importance of the NE region saying the region has a strategic location with regard to connectivity to South East Asia, also its resources and the prospects of economic development.
"The Nagas inhabit different States of the region.
If GoI wants to tap the region's potential, solution of Naga issue should be a priority" said Vara.
The speeches from dignitaries were followed by an interaction hour with the public where various various questions relating to the Indo- Naga political issue were raised.
More than 800 people, including social leaders, Church leaders and general public attended today's meeting.