LCF denounces NSCN-IM's demeaning of Zeliangrong apex civil organisations
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, August 02 2018:
The Luangdimai (Zeliangrong) Citizens Forum (LCF) has condemned the action of NSCN (IM) which is allegedly trying to demean the stature and dignity of the office of Zeliangrong tribe apex civil organizations namely Zeliangrong Baudi (Assam, Manipur & Nagaland), Zeliangrong Students Union (Assam, Manipur & Nagaland) and Zeliangrong Youth Front (Assam, Manipur & Nagaland).
According to a media report which stated "NSCN-IM derecognizes apex Zeliangrong organisations", LCF reminded that the Zeliangrong frontal organisations were not created by NSCN (IM) nor the people requested them for recognition of the frontal bodies in any point of time and so the question of de-recognition by NSCN (IM) is vague.
A press release issued by information and publicity wing, LCF, stated that Zeliangrong people and their frontal organisations do not exist on the mercy of NSCN (IM).
However, LCF maintained that it is not the right time to disown friendly and supportive organisations and create enemies within the Naga community when the solution to the protracted Indo-Naga talks is in the final stage and it is obvious that there are entities opposing the ongoing talk.
As per the LCF's "Imphal Declaration" on April 7, it reiterated that it will continue to uphold and support all the Zeliangrong frontal bodies in their endeavour towards maintaining and fostering Zeliangrong people as one single entity or 'Tribe'.
It asserted that any move targeted to create division and confusion among the Zeliangrong people is unfortunate and condemnable.
"Zeliangrong people are capable of sorting out any differences within themselves and no outside organization is welcomed to speak or judge on how to conduct its affairs within the community and its territory for the peaceful atmosphere and progress of the community", it added.
The allegations of NSCN (IM) stating that the Zeliangrong frontal organization are hell bent on maligning the image of the NSCN and sabotaging the Indo-Naga peace process is uncalled for and immature on the part of the group who is spearheading the Indo-Naga peace talks, LCF alleged.
Instead of trying to foster brotherhood and cooperation from all Naga people, such intention to shift responsibility and blame on the Zeliangrong frontal organizations for the protracted and unresolved peace talks is nothing but a sign of frustration on their part, it maintained.
It claimed that the Zeliangrong people have been extending active and unflinching support to the greater cause of the Nagas since the beginning and the behaviours of NSCM(IM) in recent times have only brought a feeling of betrayal to the Zeliangrong people.
Luangdimai Citizens Forum claimed that this sense of betrayal has been felt because not only precious lives have been sacrificed for the cause of the Nagas but the best lands and resources are allegedly being used by NSCN (IM) to sustain the movement towards achieving the Nagas' common goal.
The Luangdimai Citizens Forum (LCF) firmly opined that the Zeliangrong people will remain as one people whether NSCN (IM) recognises the Zeliangrong people as 3 or 4 tribes or not.
It resolved that the Zeliangrong people will continue to uphold and represent the community at present and in the days to come whether NSCN (IM) recognises or de-recognises the Zeliangrong frontal organisations.
Luangdimai Citizens Forum (LCF) said that NSCN (IM) should focus on bringing solution to the ongoing Indo-Naga peace talks rather than divert its attention and interfering in the internal affairs of the Zeliangrong people.