Source: By : Oken Jeet Sandham
Kohima, December 20:
NSCN(IM) for reconciliation on National principles Kohima Dec 20:- Appreciably the NSCN(IM) and NNC(Merhufu) leaders have welcomed and assured to extend all cooperation to the Naga Hoho's venture for peace and reconciliation among the Naga people.
"I can assure you of the unreserved effort from the NSCN to explore every possible avenue to acheive our desired goal and through teamwork".
However, as for the NSCN(IM), which was earlier skeptical about the reconciliation effort of the Naga Hoho, once again stated that it should be under the national principles.
Convenor of the Cease Fire Monitoring Cell of the NSCN(IM), Col Phungthing Shimrang categorically pointed out that "however such reconciliation move to uphold unity, even with the best intentions being not free from possible repetetion on another historical blunder if disssociated from the national principles should be treaded on with caution as it involves the fate of the Naga nation".
He was of the view that thorough understandng of the issue at hand before taking a decisive step is of utmost importance stating that his organisation (NSCN-IM) stands to support and accept reconciliation and unity that is based on the national principles, the necessity of strict adherence to the standing historical and political principle of Nagas as free people and a nation as separate entity " is felt inevitable".
He also asserted that reconciliation without acknowledging the truth from falsehood would amount to compromising the truth, which he also said was a mere temporary marriage of convenience that could do more harm than good to the Naga people in the long run and that Nagas could not afford to go for another raw experiment and prolong the suffering of the Nagas.
He firmly asserted that according to his organisation reconciliation was not an end in itself but having acheived that step should concertedly move beyond forward for one goal in one principle.
"The destination is already set for a negotiated settlement to the Indo-Naga political conflict.
Then from where do we begin if not continuation with the ongoing peace process, which is being engaged, without any condition, at the highest level in a third country, between two entities and with universal declartion of ceasefire".
He cautioned that to undo what has been achieved would not be promotive to the actual spirit of reconciliation.
Shimrang while briefly elaborating on the outcome of the Osaka meeting between the Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee and the collective leadership of the NSCN(IM), maintained that the latter have clearly pointed out its stand that Nagas would never accept forced occupation of Naga territory, imposition of Indian's will and further assured to go at any length to see that amicable solution is reached.
Towards this end, he claimed that Prime Minister has on his part agreed to move all hurdles that comes on the way to solution and treat the Naga issue as unique.
He added that the materializing the best and honourable solution mutually acceptable to both.
He said the best moment has come for the Nagas to decide with boldness so that settlement is reached, which has been left undone for all these years.
"The NSCN is very optismistic that this coming together of Naga famility today will not be futile exercise but will go a long way in paving the proclaimed objective of attaining peace through reconciliation in tune with the national principle", Shimrang hoped.