Lamjing Meira rehab centre to stop enrolling clients for 1 month
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, June 24 2021:
Following an understanding reached during a meeting with the Drug Users Federation for Human Rights and Justice, Lamjing Meira Rehabilitation Centre, Kakching has unanimously agreed to abstain from enrollment of clients in the centre for a period of 1 month with immediate effect.
The decision to this effect was arrived at during a discussion cum consultation meeting convened at the premises of Lamjing Meira, SUDTC, Kakching following complaints of irregularities and malpractices perpetrated by the centre in the name of Rehabilitating drug users ofthe state, said a statement issued by the federation.
The statement added that Lamjing Meira, SUDTC, Kakching has been involved in various cases of human rights violations meted out to drug users and complaints had also been raised to SP Kakching Police against Lamjing Meira for not following the regulations issued by Manipur State Human Rights Commission (MHRC) with regard to ensuring human rights in view of COVID-19 second wave in the state where it was clearly recommended to all the de-addiction centres to immediately halt lodging of drug users without obtaining informed consent and without negative report of COVID-19.However, despite all these notifications and recommendations from the competent authorities, the rehabilitation centre continued its illegal activities like force pick-up of clients and dumping of drug users in the rehabilitation centre without COVID-19 negative report and there were also reported cases of drug overdose inside its centre and absconding of 8 clients during the pandemic.
With complaints flooding in, the federation was yet again compelled to intervene and convene a discussion cum consultation meeting with officials of Lamjing Meira, SUDTC, Kakching on June 20, 2021 at the centre's office premises,during which the rehabilitation centre admitted of the various anomalies happening inside the centre including admission of clients without COVIID-19 tests, overdose cases of staff and functioning of the centre without proper structure.
Both the parties also agreed on various points which include; Lamjing Meira shall abstain from taking fresh admission for a period of one month (20th June to 20th July 2021); to refer staff who overdosed on drugs/substances inside its centre to another rehabilitation centre for treatment; Lamjing Meira shall refrain from violating any human rights of the drug users and also refrain from all irregularities and malpractices in future failing which the centre shall accept any consequences meted out by the federation; Lamjing Meira shall conduct COVID-19 tests of all its inmates at the earliest; and that the federation shall monitor the activities of the centre, and help in areas where applicable.