Mapithel JAC seeks urgent action
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, February 21 2017:
The Mapithel Dam Downstream JAC has urged the State Government to translate its assurances into action as soon as possible.
Speaking to media persons yesterday, JAC member Konthoujam Tendenba said that they submitted a written appeal to the Chief Minister in 2015 and the Chief Minister responded that an economic package would be provided for Mapithel Dam downstream people after due consultation with the departments concerned .
But the same assurance has not been translated into action till date.
People settled in the downstream of Mapithel Dam used to earn their livelihood by quarrying sands and stones.
However, since the dam was constructed and the natural flow of water blocked, the villagers have been deprived off their traditional sources of livelihood.
Tendenba urged the State Government and the concerned department to complete all re-construction/development activities before the onset of rainy season.
After the natural course of the river was blocked by Mapithel Dam, downstream villagers have been going to Laphong, about 15 Kms away from Nongbrang.
There they have been quarrying sand and stone for and livelihood and sustenance but people settled at Laphong along the river banks have started complaining that quarrying works have been making the water muddy and dirty.
As such, the downstream people would not be able to continue with the quarrying activities any longer.
The downstream people are now facing extreme hardships and they are not in a position to send their children to schools.
With only small volume of released through the dam, the downstream people are also enduring scarcity of water.
They are fetching water from gorges located 3 Kms away.