PMGSY road 'disconnects' villages
Source: The Sangai Express / Mungchan Zimik
Ukhrul, December 01 2024:
Ignored and 'forgotten', the deteriorating condition of the PMGSY road has disconnected Sahamphung block villages from Ukhrul District Headquarters.
This came to light when a team of Sambu Katamnao Long (Sambu Area Students Organisation) and this correspondent toured the region for 3 days and inspected the PMGSY road from Shirui to Kachouphung village.
Sambu Katamnao Long (SKL) president, Reisingam Shaiza said the construction of the 105 kilometres road from Shirui to Kachouphung village began in 2013 in three phases--from Shirui to Mapum in the first phase; Mapum to Zingsui-Hamlang-Chammu in the 2nd phase and upto Kachouphung village in the 3rd phase.
"The substandard work is a clear indication of the Government's and authorities' neglect for people in eastern border villages.
It seems our two MLAs of Ukhrul and Phungyar Constituencies failed to understand the grievances and the plight of the rural people," Shaiza said.
Shaiza said the Government must see and hear the plight of the people in the interior region and take action against erring contractors.
"The project including blacktopping was to be completed before 2022 but it has dragged on.
Our hope of having an all weather road remains a dream.
This is injustice to the people," Shaiza said.
Shaiza recalled that the RD & PR Minister, Yumnam Khemchand and Ukhrul MLA Ram Muivah conducted a joint inspection of the PMGSY road from Shirui to Kachouphung village in 2022 and they gave assurance that the all weather would be completed.
Despite the elected Members' assurance, the construction of the road has not been completed, Shaiza added.
The SKL team found the "substandard" PMGSY road without proper drainage, culverts and breast walls.
While there is no sign of the works resuming soon, massive debris has blocked the road in three places.
At some sections villagers had to manually clear the debris for immediate access and emergency services.
Three bailey bridges, which are part of the same project, have not been completed and there is no visible progress.
Streams of water cut the road and during rainy seasons the villages are totally cut off from one another.
Shaiza observed that the road alignment from Ronshak to Phungtha village needs correction at different places.
Sections of the road are too steep for vehicles to drive.
Though some portions of the road have been blacktopped, streams flowing down from the uphill have damaged it.
Shaiza said the SKL has approached contractors and the Department concerned repeatedly, but the road has not been completed or maintained properly.
The road from Shirui village to Kachouphung village is the only lifeline for Sahamphung block villages and all essential commodities and services flow on this route.
The contractors and the Government authorities must resume the work and complete the project to make the Shirui-Kachouphung road an all weather road, Shaiza said.
"It seems the contractors in connivance with some officials have flouted the guidelines and siphoned the maintenance fund every year without doing anything to improve the condition of the road," Shaiza said, urging the Government to take action against the erring officials and contractors.
When this correspondent interacted with a taxi driver, he said he is forced to drive on this road as there is no other route.
"It takes more than 8 hours to reach Kachouphung village.
As the road is bumpy and dilapidated, the vehicle needs repair and maintenance every now then.
I have to spend a major portion of what I earn every month on maintenance," said the taxi driver.
He said Zingsui and Kachouphung remain totally cut off during the monsoon season.
The culverts are of no use.
Due to poor quality, rain water has washed away sections of the road and retaining walls have been damaged, he added.
Meanwhile, SKL said it would launch an intense stir if the Government fails to intervene and give necessary directions to the contractors concerned to complete the project.
The SKL may approach the Court if the Government fails to address the plight of the people, said its president Shaiza.