Source: The Imphal Free Press
Imphal, January 03:
The administrative block of the Manipur University has been near paralyzed since the beginning of the last week after some sections of the block were sealed off for reasons not very clear but extremely suspicious.
According to reports, the room of the assistant controller of examination, the computer centre and certain other sections were closed by the university authorities on December 27 last, and the examination sections of the block has been forced to close by the Manipur University Students� Union, MUSU.
The university authorities were extremely tightlipped about the reasons behind the closure, and refused to make any comment beyond revealing that an emergency meeting of the university syndicate has been called on January 5, 2002 to discuss the matter.
The details of the ongoing controversy will be revealed after the meeting, they said.
When this reporter tried to meet the Vice-Chancellor, Prof H Tombi, this afternoon, he was told that the VC was in an emergency meeting with MUSU representatives, and was request to come back after January 5.It is however learnt from other sources that the controversy concerns a student who tried to obtain admission in the university�s computer department recently.
The student�s application for allowing him to sit in the admission test was apparently rejected as his percentage was too low.
However, the student returned after some days with another certificate issued ostensibly from the University administrative block that had the requisite marks for admission into the course.
The controversy reportedly took a serious turn after the MUSU got wind of the matter.
The registrar of the university, while declining to reveal any details, disclosed that an emergency committee has been constituted and it was conducting an enquiry very seriously into the matter with the consent of the Vice-Chancellor.